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morrigan was only supposed to be there to collect peter quill and return him to yondu so she could make another paycheck. it was going to be a nice, big bounty that she could turn around and use to fix her ship, and maybe treat herself to a nice, leisurely vacation on a sunny resort planet. after months of scraping by on whatever pitiful bounties she could find, this was set to be her first big break in a very long time.

what she didn't plan for was a green lady looking for a purple sphere, and the walking tree with his loud-mouthed raccoon companion trying to get the same paycheck she was after herself. and she most certainly didn't plan on getting caught, or the subsequent prison break, or the battle against an interstellar tyrant over one of the biggest weapons of mass destruction in the known universe.

she definitely didn't plan on finding the type of family she hadn't had in years, or on falling in love with someone she'd sworn to hate. neither was she planning on facing one of the most terrifying villains from her past, or on being confronted by her history that she'd spent almost her entire life running both towards and away from.

but, hey, what's life without a few surprises, right?


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