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school fair! au + vampire! au

You had never been one to really enjoy Nekoma's school activities or extracurricular setups. Sure, going to volleyball games were fun, and you loved going to the plays the drama club hosted. But otherwise, you just weren't the person to go out and enjoy a school-hosted event to the fullest.

In fact, most events you tried terribly hard to avoid. Volleyball games were cool, mostly because it was fast, and your cousin Kenma and his best friend Kuroo were both more prominent players. Not to mention the gorgeous sight of a team of hot, sweaty boys who looked absolutely perfect, with their muscles flexing and toned bodies moving in a lithe manner—

Ahem. Not the point.

The point was that school fairs and such were not your cup of tea. Which meant, of course, that your class was assigned to one of the most degrading and busy themes during Nekoma's school fair.

That's right.

On a fresh, spring day, with the birds chirping and crowds bustling with warm looks on their faces, you were confined inside your classroom and forced to wait around on customers.

You were a maid in a cafe that your class had set up.

Begrudgingly, you had slipped into a cute little maid outfit that covered all that was necessary, but still had a tones of cute and innocence. Your maid outfit surprisingly did not hinder your ability to serve, however, so you were constantly in motion, swerving from table to table, serving food and cleaning tables, your smile fake, forced, and terribly small. Anyone who knew you to any extent knew that you would much rather be in the corner reading, or at the very least, behind the scenes where you could cook the food.

The school fair was a source of humiliation for you, and being in your position, you weren't getting a break anytime soon, especially when there were certain people who would love to capitalize on your embarrassment.

Certain people such as Kuroo Tetsurou and your very own cousin, Kozume Kenma.

Kuroo strode inside your class, bag slung over his shoulder, and gave you a wry smile as he plopped down in an empty seat, Kenma trailing behind with his fingers working at his Nintendo. "(Y/N)!" Kuroo exclaimed, eyebrows raised. "Can we get some drinks over here?"

A tick mark appeared before your head, a silver platter balanced on your fingers as you carted away some dirty dishes. "Rot in a pit, asshole," came your gruff response, making sure to kick his chair as you passed by.

Kuroo smiled, tapping his fingers on the surface of the table, watching you work with his chin resting in his palm. Despite the uncharacteristically hot weather on a sunny spring day, you managed to keep yourself tidy, bustling around tables and filling orders. The maid outfit you were sporting wasn't to shabby on you either. Continuing to stare, the captain of the volleyball tuned out the chatter of the people seated at the other tables (including the little noises that were emitted from Kenma's Nintendo) and silently watched you, his eyes filled with only adoration.

He positively craved your attention and affection, and being the flirt he was, he was willing to do anything to get it. This included teasing, poking, friendly chats, and even the occasional volleyball practice where his attention was skewered on you, who sat and watched your cousin, phone in hand and back hunched. His affection for you wasn't simply a crush; he truly wanted to know you better, and any chance of interaction between the both of you he treasured and tried to achieve.

He didn't simply like you because you were cute. You were pretty, but not stunning or attention-grabbing. You were of average looks, with average grades, with an average life. The thing that had him hooked was your amazingly complex character. You were bold and strong, but simultaneously, you were softspoken and shy. You ached for a chance to use your fists in a fight but you also did not tolerate violence. You were blatant and honest and pious and conniving at times, and Kuroo couldn't get enough.

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