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Shoulders without any doubt are my favourite muscle to workout. There is a plethora of workouts you can utilise and add to your arsenal of knowledge, some obvious and some bodybuilders may call ''extinct'' workouts which nobody else uses or has not used for a long time. Lets jump straight into this!

Shoulder Shrug with Barbell

1st. Front grip standard barbell shrug
2 sets 20, 15 reps

2nd. Front Reverse grip barbell shrug
2 sets 20, 15 reps

(Switch with barbell behind you)

3rd Front grip barbell shrug
2 sets 20, 15 reps

4th reverse grip barbell shrug
2 sets 20, 15 reps
(End exercise)

Unusual right? Many people find there is only 2 ways of doing a barbell shrug with barbell and dumbbells

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Unusual right? Many people find there is only 2 ways of doing a barbell shrug with barbell and dumbbells....NOT ANYMORE! Always try mixing up the old with new/old style. Attacking the the shoulders in this one exercise in the pictures shown 4 different ways can attack all areas of your shoulders giving you not just mass but definition and better ability to function. (In terms of conditioning and flexibility of joint and limb)


Number 2! Lateral raises with cable (arm alternative)

This is another personal favourite of mine which I always try to include into my routine. Sound pretty familiar? Yes? But not how you expect...let me explain. With this particular workout stand up straight and keep a strong base. Use a lighter weight for these! With a straight arm pull the cable up in front of you till your arm horizontal to your shoulder.
Part 2. You will now do the exact same again but you will do this backwards with the cable behind you instead. Again pull your arm up till it is horizontal.
Once you have done this exercise (one arm with cable in front) for 10 reps you will then move onto the next step (same arm with cable behind you) again for another 10 reps. Boom! You completed your first set! All together there is 3 sets on each arm, 1st set on each arm (cable front and behind) 10 reps x2 (each arm cable front and behind). You will then repeat this for the next 2 sets, this one is a killer!

Why? Well doing this works on your conditioning, even doing little things like a slight 1 second or 2 second pause when you reach horizontal helps with strengthening your joints, muscle and flexibility

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Why? Well doing this works on your conditioning, even doing little things like a slight 1 second or 2 second pause when you reach horizontal helps with strengthening your joints, muscle and flexibility. Give it a try!

Between sets with some exercises (not all) but a few midway through my workout I like to get an extra pump and also for conditioning as well. Doing push ups on an higher bar on squat rack or on blocks over time I have found it has really helped me greatly with function movement and strength overall! Yes I know its so simple but sometimes simplicity is the best thing ever!

 Doing push ups on an higher bar on squat rack or on blocks over time I have found it has really helped me greatly with function movement and strength overall! Yes I know its so simple but sometimes simplicity is the best thing ever!

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For example; if you are doing 3 sets of dumbbell military pressing in between sets (as shown in the pictures) do a set of 10 of supported push ups. Works for me, maybe you too.

You have seen all the military presses, dumbbell press, shrugs, lateral raises and so on which all work great...if you know what your doing and know the mechanics and functions of the body. I very much like to close my workouts with this simple exercise but occasionally I will throw this in for my arm workouts as well.

                       Farmers Walk

I wish I saw this in gyms and fitness centres more often because this really is a fabulous workout and for the male ego makes you feel like a beast.
I very much like to do this with 2 25kg plates in both hands and just...walk. That's it. How long for? That is up to you, I like to think of it as my record breaker each time I do this. If you do this for the first time and you walk with the plates for 20 seconds and then drop them don't worry that's YOUR record but with 3 sets of these try and get higher than 20 or try for the same number of seconds. Throw these in twice a week for shoulders and your arms too. Remember the only records and standards that matter are your own.

 Remember the only records and standards that matter are your own

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                      Upright Row

One of my favourites a so simple. Now usually most people will do this exercise with a barbell as I sometimes do. However I like to use a 25kg or 30kg plate. Most circular or hexagon shaped plates will have hand holds and usually 3 of them. I like to start with my hands on the 1 hand hold and do 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps. After I close on the same exercise however I use my 2 hands in 2 handholds on either side and do the same 3 sets but this time backwards to confuse and strengthen the body which is 8, 10, 12 reps. Awesome and simple!

 Awesome and simple!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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