Recognition and Reminiscence

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"Taylor stop whining, Its the first time Caroline is visiting Long Beach since her cancer cured and she wants us to be with her." And thats how my mom blackmailed me into coming to this trip with 2 guys i havent seen in 3 years,my brother,my mom, and the only tolerable person in this whole bunch, our family friend Caroline.My mom and Caroline have been friends since highschool and she's the sweetest person ive ever met, which is ironic cause her sons are the worst.They bullied me through all my childhood cause of my pimples, braces,and glasses.Mainstream, trust me i know. We've been in the car for about 2 hours now and im getting impatient.
"Mom are we there yet? please tell me we're close" i nagged for about the 30th time today and got the same eye roll as an answer everytime.While i played with my auburn hair i started thinking of all the fun my bestfriends and boyfriend are probably having and all the parties im missing.Its my last summer before college and i have to spend it stuck on long beach where there is almost nothing to do.My phone pings interrupting my thoughts, "TAYLOR MAJOR OMG CALL ME ASAP GOSSIP TO DIE FOR AND ITS ONLY THE SECOND DAY OF SUMMER." I groan at the text message my bestfriend Carly sent me and roll my head back in defeat, deciding that sulking around isn't going to help and thinking of the to die for tan im going to have after this death wish of a trip.
The car slows to a stop and I open my eyes to see the house i spent most of my summers in as a child and it brings me horrible memories,which I try to shut out of my head.
"James get up...JAMES" my brothers head shoots up and he rolls out of the truck onto the floor, "Sorry, your ass was on my shit" I say with a chuckle. I start grabbing my bags when i hear a squel and footsteps coming towards our car and I dont even have to look to know that its Caroline. I feel two tiny hands squeezing my waist and I turn to give her the biggest hug ever, "Oh my dear taylor I missed u so much" her melodic voice rings in my ear and I feel tears prickle my eyes but I try to hold them in, I havent been here for 5 mins and its already getting so emotional.She lets go of me to
go and torture my brother and I look around for her two devilish children.
"Cant wait to see us can you?" An unrecognizable voice says. I start speaking up, but my words stop at my throat when I see the most beautiful faces side by side.Christian and Daymon.

P.S: The picture above is Taylor who is Emma Delury
W/N: Hey guys, this is the first chapter ive ever written and i hope u like it! Nothing juicy or interesting is happening YET cause this is more of an introduction to the story to make things clear for you, i hope u guys liked and i wish ud give it a like and some comments telling me about what u think of this story and if i did anything wrong. I hope u continue reading this❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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