Chapter 1: Jacket

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  • Dedicated to Mikee R. aka my sister

Chapter one

He is standing on the corner. Despite his prolonged anger towards me, I still find him captivating. Stunning me are his eyes that gleam, and provoking me is his white jacket that continuously takes my breath away. 

I am really scared. I am used to these uplifting feelings, but I was never prepared to face someone furious--especially him. I do not know what to explain because I have nothing to say! I got mad for no reason and I don't even know why.

I walk towards him. Pumping so loudly, my heart could not take the tension. Everything must be solved because he is my best friend!

"Hey." My voice cracks as I take the courage to pull the ends of his jacket.

"Hey..." He pushes the tray on his hands while he takes his orders. Finally looking at me, he continues with four words that made me anxious even more, "What's your problem, Cassie?" 

I try to fake a smile but it only made me want to run away. 

"I don't know why I got mad at you. I'm really sorry, Min Suk." I am fidgeting per usual. I look at his dark brown eyes and my heart sinks.

He smiles and walks away with his tray. I am dumbfounded by the whole situation because he did not look annoyed nor at ease by my apology. I follow his big foot steps as I leap and gasp for air because he's 10 inches taller and my small legs cannot catch up. 

"You're mad at me, seriously? I need to know because I have to come up with some big grand gesture if you are!" I continue to pull the ends of his jacket. "There's not a single reason why I got pissed, okay? I'm bipolar, I'm weird, I'm annoying. Please forgive me. It's my fault." Then I whine because I am sure he couldn't resist my whining.

He starts laughing.

But suddenly, another not-so-great-as-of-the-moment friend of mine comes to interrupt.

"Cassie, OMG! I can't breath!" Janine's jumping while pulling both my arms. Min Suk grabs the nearest table and pulls me to sit. I take Janine with us who's still holding the half of me.

"Relax! What happened?"

Then she squeals. The whole cafeteria looks at us and I cover her mouth, which isn't a good idea since I was then covered with saliva. Min Suk covers his ears as he squints his eyes. I'm laughing so hard until I notice Min Suk staring at me adoringly. I blush and fix my hair. 

Janine, still holding my other arm, sits closer to me. "What is it?" I say. She pauses then looks at Min Suk, "He might get annoyed, though." Min Suk, uninterested, murmurs "What?".

"It's... about K-Pop." Janine smiles at the both of us.

Min Suk taps the top of her head, "Just go on. I'll eat quietly." Then he smirks. My heart loves the sight of his every smirk. I can hear it throbbing louder this time.

Focus, Cassie.

"K-Pop? What's happening?" I act calmly, even though I can't hide my koreaboo-ness much longer. 

She holds both my hands, "Next week... in M-show..." I can't hold this anymore! What the heck is the news? "Tell me! Get over this right now!" I yell. Min Suk's smiling at us, or at me. 

What does he feel right now? What does he feel whenever people talk about their music and culture? He's a Korean who does not like or even know a lot about his own country's K-Pop. When I ask him questions or share any random information, he just stares. He knows a few groups which are obviously popular worldwide like The Girls and O' Clock. But he dislikes the group that I love known as U-ni, whose name was derived from the "Universe". They plan to colonize the whole world, and color the Earth blue--which is their fandom color. 

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