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Summary: (Y/N)'s car breaks down and in a panic she dials the first number she can think of- Marty, with whom she's currently on break from.

For the first time in over a year, you're traveling by yourself in your old car. Your chest tightened with anxiety, considering you weren't used to be alone in such long trips, much less being the one driving, and especially so late at night.

Then, your mind started slipping to subjects you didn't want to, especially as you drove. You started thinking about Marty, and your break up, which is why you're alone in this old, stupid car.

In all honesty, the reason you broke up is just so... stupid. You started arguing over a fucking beer some guy had paid you that night at the bar. He got jealous for some reason and angry because you actually accepted it.

You never thought it'd have such repercussions, it was just a beer, you never meant to do any harm or to disrespect your boyfriend. But it was too late now. You both started raising your voices, both said things you didn't mean, and then, there was no way back.

He told you it was over, shutting you up instantly. You didn't say another word, as tears threatened to spill, and you really didn't need to be told twice. You crouched slightly to grab your stuff, and he opened his mouth to speak but you never let him, walking away in just a matter of seconds.

You turn on the radio, and turn the volume up, trying to cloud your racing mind. There's barely anyone on the road this late. You had passed by a couple of cars but not too many, and honestly, you didn't know if you were glad you didn't pass by more cars or if you should be scared that there weren't many people out.

So far, the radio was being successful in its job, keeping your thoughts at bay, and the drive itself was going smoothly. Until suddenly, your car breaks down. In the middle of nowhere. No single car in sight. Barely any lights on the side of the road.

You somehow manage to pull up on the side of the road, trying to turn the engine on multiples times, all with no success. You let your head fall against the wheel, tears burning your eyes as you try to control your unstable breathing.

It wasn't working at all, and it all got worse when you started looking around, nervously. Your overthinking-self starts to observe and analyze all those details, your breath quickening at each information you've come to terms with. But the last drop was the fact that... you didn't have anyone you could call, or anyone who'd care if you called them. You were alone.

After the break-up, you distanced yourself from everyone, considering your closest friends were also his friends. Yes, it was an enormous price to pay, but you couldn't afford being close to him, and you didn't want to make things between all of you awkward.

Your brain quickly did a summary of your current situation: your car broke down in the middle of nowhere, you're alone, you also have no one to call for help, so you're extra alone, you have no idea how you'll get out of here.

It all culminated in a major breakdown, bringing to surface everything you were trying to bury: the break up, the heartbreak, the current fear and panic... everything. You started sobbing, a panic attack rushing through you. You move to the passenger's seat, as if stepping away from the danger, but fully knowing it was stupid.

You pull your knees to your chest, hugging them tightly. You can't think straight, everything is blurred. Honestly, you don't even know how long you stayed like that.

Somehow, you find yourself calling someone, you weren't even sure who. It's like the nerves erased your mind. And that's when he answered the call.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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