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<Video Info>
Original Song: ???
Song: Death Note Op 1 English Dub {Covered By Natewantstobattle} by AzrielSword100
-foul language
Y/n-your name
L/n-last name
L/h-length hair
H/t-types of hair (straight, curly, wavy, etc.)
H/c-hair color
E/c-eyes color
L/n-last name
F/n-fake name
F/l-fake last name
Enemies Of Reality| First Meet
An usual young women's voice ring throughout the whole house. A normal youth teen's shoes click against the floor as she unpacked few equipments inside her backpack.
"There's been 20 accidents that involved 'The Cardinals Thorns' gang. The police has not discovered their whereabouts, leaving some clues behind. On one of the clues stated, ' I am with little interest even though. - CT.' The police will leave this case to the Japanese Task Force who will hopefully solved the case."
"Was there any deaths involved on this case? And do you think it about some kind of meaning on the note?" A young men added. The women replied back, facing the camera man with calmer face.
"Yes, there are. Some people got assassinates or missing in the morning, or midnight. Also, they left the clues about what reasons the people had to be 'gone' and about the note? I'll think it might be an deadly games that they're playing with." She stated, the men wears an confused face and questioned her again.
"What do you mean, Miss Jussi?"
She softly tap against the microphone and responded.
"I think they were searching for an..entertainment."
The teen girl stopped unloading and turned the screen television off with a remote as she slowly smirked to herself.
"The game has begin."
🎶And when the world's in need of justice
Drowning out in darkness
I will be the light that we see
I can't deny this calling Humanity is falling They need a solution, it's me Fruits of my future told me everything My dreams have turned to reality This world is lost
But it's the end we really want🎶
🎶And when the world's in need of justice
Drowning out in darkness
I will be the light that we see
I can't deny this calling Humanity is falling They need a solution
I will take you by your hand
Guide you
Together we will soon
Light the world!🎶

• Y/n POV •
I examined the beautiful landscape while the teacher lecture the subject.
"Okay, that's all about the lessons, dismiss." Mr. Burns stated, everyone bundled their subject minerals inside their bags as I slowly settled my things in organized ways. I looked out of the window only to see an boy whom has neatly, brown hair with matched eyes. He holds up an coal notebook that has ghastly letters on it. I quickly walked toward the door with my bag's strap on my shoulder until Mr. Burns stopped me from leaving.
'What is it, now..' I thought, he stayed in front of me causes my eyes to meet his.
"Miss L/n, I want you to know that you're not pay any attention to one of my lessons and you have a very important test tomorrow." He explained, he give me an pile of journals as I inspected in each one of them, a red letter showed on between the pages. I closed the journal as I gently setting back the rest of them expect one journal on Mr. Burns's desk.
"Thanks, Mr. Burns" I spoked, he nodded his head and replied back.
"Your welcome, now you can go"
I walked out of the classroom as I headed towards the bottom floor selection.
I went to the front yard of Daikoku Private Academy while searching the brown haired teen boy.
"Where is he?..where is h-ah, there he is.." I mumbled, I paced towards him while he stared at the raven notebook. I looked over his shoulder only to get caught by him.
"...a notebook? I bet you gonna keep it" I remarked, he immediately put it inside his bag and begin to walk away as I followed behind his back.
"My notebook just fell.." he answered, I nodded to his sentence. The awkward moment filled between us while we walked away from the academy.
'Oh, I forgot to introduce myself' I thought, I quickly stand in front of him as his footsteps stop for a sec. I let out my right hand, my face show an kindness smile while he observed my visage.
"My name is F/n, F/n F/l. What's your name?" I asked, he put his left hand into mine and shakes it.
"Light, Light Yagami." He responded, he let go off my hand and glanced at me once again.
"What's wrong?" I asked, he shakes his head as he continues to walked away, leaving me behind.
"Here is ten million dollars that we promised you, Miss Jussi" the man stated, two teen boys came towards her with the dusky bags and gives it to her as she checked both of the bags inside.
"Oh, also you better not tell nobody about this or..our boss might have to pay a little visit to your house" the man added, the whole group left with the man as they all disappeared into the dirty tunnels.
• Light POV •
I glanced over to her as I take an closer look at her beautiful features.
'I need to be more careful around her..' I thought, she wears an concerned look.
"What's wrong?" She asked, I shakes my head as I continued to walked away, leaving her behind.
'She was..wonderful' I thought, I keep walking down on the sidewalk.
"Hey, boss. Yes, she take the bags. What should we do next? it, boss." the man replied, he hanged up on his green cellphone. Another teen boy came up to him.
"Sir, what did our boss said?" He inquired, the man turned to him and answered with mischief smirk.
"It's time to set our next clue.."
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A/n - So much of mysterious inside this story and I wonder what does the note stated/mean about?
<Other Stories>
^You're Mine...(Naruto various x reader)
^Foreigner Of My Imaginations [reader-insert]
^You Belong To Me (Diabolik Lovers Various X Reader)
•^Enemy Of Reality (Death Note various x Reader)
We Don't Know What We're Fighting For
I Need YOU
Won't You Stay With Me
Cause I Don't Wanna Be Your Enemy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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