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Tumblr is an... interesting place. For those of you who live under a rock, (or have no internet... you poor souls,) Tumblr is a micro-blogging website with over 30 million users. It was founded in February of 2007, by my dad, David Karp. It would seem I haven't introduced myself. Rita Karp's the name, and being a socially inept weirdo is the game. Anyhow, back to the story. On June 20, 2013, everybody's least favourite search engine, Yahoo, bought Tumblr. For 19 years, Yahoo has been slowly changing the social platform, to eventually turn Tumblr into a paying-customer-only website. The community has been trying, and failing, to stop Yahoo from committing such atrocities against their favourite social media site. Now that we've got the basic history out of the way, let's get on with why I'm telling you this. Recently, super popular content creators stopped posting.

One night after I had finished my homework, I sat on my bed scrolling through my dashboard. I decided to call Joel, my best friend. He's the only other person at school who is willing to obsesses over books with me.
"Good day to you, friend!" I said.
"Hello to you as well, Rita." he replied.
"How'd your math test go?" I asked.
"Pretty well, it was pretty easy," he sighed. "How did the history paper
"Great actually. Probably because I watched Hamilton last night. Again." I giggled.
We talked about school, and last night's episode of Doctor Who.

After a half-hour of laughing, chatting, and scrolling through our Tumblr dashboards, I scrolled over a post that peaked my interest.
"What?" I burst out.
"What's up?" he asked. Realizing he'd heard me, I explained.
"There's this post on my dashboard. It says that in two weeks Yahoo is
going to implement a monthly fee to use Tumblr!" I cried.
"What? They have no right? They've run this past your dad, but I never thought they'd go through with it!" Joel fumed. "Rita, they can't do this! This goes against what Tumblr is supposed to be!"
"There's a petition attached to it. I'll send it to you." I trailed off. "Okay, it's sent. Could you reblog it?"
"For sure. I should probably go. See you tomorrow Rita." he yawned.
"I'll see you at school, man. We can talk more then." I added. With that, he hung up. I turned off my phone and logged off of Tumblr. I passed out within a few seconds.

I opened my eyes in a huge, rectangular, navy blue room. I looked around, and saw down the middle of the far wall, was a stream of white. Through the middle of that white strip were vague collections of pixels. I walked closer to the far wall and saw that the pixel-blobs were photos and words. I then noticed there were a few other people in the room with me. They chatted about the text-posts, and laughed at the memes. A nagging voice in the back of my head mumbled,
"This looks a lot like Tumblr."
To which another voice replied,
"Nope. This is a dream. Stop thinking."
I turned my head and saw a lighter blue strip along the far left side of the big wall. There was a magnifying glass icon, and below it, a few others. I stepped towards the magnifying glass icon, and tapped it. For a moment, I was unable to move, before being transported into a room very similar to the last, with a few minor differences.

First off, there was big search bar near the top of the wall. Below the search bar, were rainbow coloured buttons with random hashtags on them.
"Yup, this looks a lot like Tumblr..." whispered the first voice.
"Like I said, sTOP THINKING PLEASE." Yelled the second voice.
Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder. I spun around, ready to kick that someone in the shin.
"Hey, hey, it's me. No need to go full Hunger Games on me." Joel smiled.
"Why, fancy seeing you here. Dude, You have any idea where we are?" I asked, gesturing around the room.
"None. But it looks a whole lot like Tumblr. But that's preposterous." He added. He pointed to the search bar above us. "But in the case that it is Tumblr, then we could look up some tags..." he trailed off.
"I second that opinion! Onward, to the memes!" I cried, poking the search
bar. A keyboard appeared in the air in front of me. I typed quickly "spicy memes" and pressed the search button.

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