Spring Riot

11 1 2

Storms rush confusion

Hot, cold, spite, and the red storm

The human storm moves

Blossoms are burning

Silk to smoke, sand to glass, fire

The crowd makes pyres

All have cast first stones

The scarlet ring surrounds her

Sinners and guilty

As her soul flees off

The ash of peach blossoms drift

He mixes her soul

The father grants form

Her white and pink spirit flies

His arms hold her tight

"Dear daughter be free

Welcome in good and faithful

Be one with the song"

"Great Lord eternal

Show the mercy of cold rains

Please disperse their flame

They know not their sin

I forgive their wrath, send rain

that oh Lord I pray"

"You cried out to me

You were upon their sinful hateful fire

they created the fire

It is of their image

They will reap of what they sow

Your scream was a scourge 

Your scream flayed their souls

The whip did not strike their flesh

they hardened their hearts

Your pyre was in bloom

Your pain grants your reward

Gaze at your new form"

Her new hands are spring

A crown is perched atop her

She wears a halo

"Even now many repent

They flee to my home at speed

A place wear we meet"

Woeful flames give chase 

They beg forgiveness "Lord please" 

Fresh fire licked at them

Moment of weakness

Stood before the holy throne

They could comprehend

They were flickering

Some stayed others went their way

They did not have crowns

"Sons, daughters, welcome

You gave me food when hungry"

"Lord no please no lord"

"Why so sorrowful?"

The blossoming servant watched

"We cannot atone"

"You need not atone

For my son has made you right

You are sanctified"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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