1. The Basketball Trial

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Every eye was fixed upon her as she dribbled the ball to the basket.

Her long brunette curly hair, neatly secured in a ponytail, perfectly complimented her sculpted face which was thought to be carved by the angels itself. And those profound eyes ablazed with determination as she jumped high and tossed the ball in the basket.

Whoosh! Score!

The whole crowd cheered with exuberance and the smile which made it's way through her face could easily be an opium to any soul.

"Attagirl! You nailed it. None can stop you from being the captain of the basketball team," said Sabrina and curled her up in a hug.

"Jeez! I'm at a loss of words. Was it me?" she said tremulously, questioning herself.

"And there starts the ritual of underestimating herself by Sophie Anniston. You really missed the way Tori and Mia reacted." said Sabrina with a subtle wink.

"I am least bothered about them." replied Sophie flatly.

Sabrina has been Sophie's friend for last one year. Initially they were enemies but a situation made them feel each other and initiated their friendship.

Just then they were interrupted by the familiar voice of a girl ,"I should say that you were on fire today".

"Hey, that rhymed." said Sabrina and giggled.

"Amy?" said Sophie and cocked a brow in surprise.

"I expected a better response from you. Anyway. Coach wants to meet you Sophie. Probably you'll be the next captain of our team. All the Best!" she said and went away.

"I knew it! I knew it!" shouted Sabrina with excitement.

"But Amy was dying for the captain position. I can't do that to her. Did you look at her face? Moreover they can't decide by considering several stupid trials." said Sophie.

"You d*ckhead! You'll straight away go to the coach and accept what he says or else I'll sue you. You shouldn't be concerned about the ones who were never yours. You know what I mean" she said. Sophie was able to detect her insinuating tone and nodded in response.

" You go and have a talk with coach and I am going to the canteen. See you later babe." she said and went away.

Sophie was in dilemma whether she should go or not but something in the words of Sabrina compelled her to go.

On her way to the coach, everyone congratulated her for her splendid performance and she was overwhelmed by the response which made her feel that she should accept the captain position.

Just as she walked past the library she saw him.

He was arranging all the books back in their place and she continued to stare at him.

His brunette hair untidily styled to perfection. His deep brown eyes provided a sharp contrast to his light-toned skin colour which made him look drop dead gorgeous.

He was childish and matured simultaneously and the owner of that heart warming smile which was worth melting for. He may not fit into society's definition of a hero but he was the type of hero she has always desired for.

"Jeez! Now I know why mom scolds me every now and then and calls me useless. I can never arrange things properly. And the librarian is surely going to kill me after having a look at this mess." he exclaimed with a mixed emotion of anger and helplessness.

"He hasn't changed at all," she whispered to herself and giggled on seeing him stuck with the books.

Just then he acknowledged her presence. Both of them held each other's gaze for a long moment and then let go of it.

"So I heard that someone played really well today. Congratulations. I'm proud of you." he said while trying to arrange the books.

"Are you?" she asked dubiously.

"Of course." he answered with a fake smile on his face.

It has always crossed her mind how he was so good at faking. You never know what he is hiding under the garb of his fake smile. You can never predict his responses or feelings. They were always variable.

"I think I should go. Bye." she said avoiding his demeanour.

"Bye," he replied.

And she left. The way she left him that day.

Author's note -
This is my first experience as a writer. Hope you all like it and if you do drop your comments and votes. I'm a professional procrastinator so there can be delays in updating the chapters. But I'll try my best.

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