To change the future

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1995 Grimmald place


I Albus Potter along with my cousins and brother and sister


"Who are you!" A man with black hair and grey stormy eyes questioned


Sirius Black...... but there was another but younger looking one to.

And...a boy with jet black hair and hazel eyes,a boy with black hair and stormy grey eyes and tall boy with blonde/brown hair.

These were the marauders the younger ones at least.

A girl with red hair and piercing emerald eyes.

My eyes.

And one girl who looked a lot like my dad's aunt but in a pretty way she didn't look like she swallowed a lemon.A man with red hair and emerald eyes.

Dad's grandparents!The Evans!

Another older man with jet black hair and brown eyes.A women with red hair and hazel eyes.

Potters all of them.

I put my hands up in surrender

"We're not death eaters sir,we just had a little accident with a time turner!" I said

"Prove it tell us your names!"

"I am Albus Potter,I'm 14 years old,and the Gryffindor seeker" I said stepping up to the plate Sirius and Remus lowered their wands a bit

"Icky little Ally." James said pinching my cheeks I slapped his hands away

My sister walked forward "Lily Luna Potter,I'm 12 years old and I'm a chaser for Gryffindor."

James strolled forward.Oh great!

"I am James Sirius Potter I'm 15 years old,chaser for Gyrffindor,prankster extrodinare,And if I do say so myself I live up to my namesakes." James bowed and then sat up forward.

"You named you kid after me?" Younger Sirius asked shocked

James shrugged

"Actally were not your kids,were your grand kids" Lily said


"Anyway,I'm Fred Weasley James partner in crime and I'm a beater on the Gryffindor team."

Fred jumped up and stood beside James

Older sirius(I'm changing older Sirius to O Sirius after this and young Sirius to Y Sirius same with Remus) Had tears in his eyes

"I'm Rose Weasley,and this is my brother Hugo,god cousin teddy,and my other cousins Molly,Dominique,Roxanne and last but not least Louis." Rose said gestering to everyone when called

"I'm lily Evans"

"I'm Paul Evans and this is my wife Aly Evans."

"I'm James Charles Potter"

"I'm Sirius Orion Black" Y Sirius said

"Remus John Lupin."

"Charles Jonathan Potter and my wife Rebecca Jean Potter"

So that's everyone...........

"So who are your parents?"O Remus asked

Lily stepped forward "I'm Harry Potters and Ginny Potters daughter."Lily smirked

"GINNY!" Mrs.Weasley/Grandma squealed

Sirius O smirked

Remus smiled "Ginny, I can't believe it!"

"We'll I think you are going to be stuck here for awhile." Sirius O said

"Oh since we are going to be here for awhile,"Rose walked in front of James and Fred

"Hand over all your prank products!"

James and Fred had the most believable shocked faces ever.Its a Potter trait,we get the most innocent faces and the most psycho mysterious grins ever.
If they hadn't been prankers since they were born I would have believed those faces.

"Prank stuff,what are you talking about Rose?"James asked

Rose sighed and started to dig through James and Freds pockets,she took out so many products she could barely lift them.

"How did those get there?!"Fred asked

"Oh stop playing!"Lily said

"Ok Rosie,just put them down and nobody gets tackled.Those are voluble!" James insisted

"I'll count to three Rosie."

James and Fred shot like a bullet toward Rose and tickled her mercilessly.

They wrestled the items out of her hands.

They hugged the items to their chests and looked lovingly at them.

"You two are so weird."Molly assured them

Sirius O and Remus were laughing

"Your pranksters!" James O(O James is harrys father Y James is harrys son.)

"And we are proud of it!"Fred yelled

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2014 ⏰

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