Chapter 1 - Harkins Academy

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Before proceeding to the story...

Before you read my story please be informed that this story is part of the series called 'The BLISH Tales' This is part of the series together with Living with Guys, Being Nasty, I Don't Like Old Guys and Sex Slave.

The stories in the series don't depend on each other so you can read it in any possible order that you like. The stories are all connected though you would still understand the plot without reading the others.

Though I would suggest for you to read the other stories for entertainment. 


Chapter 1 – Harkins Academy

[Avery’s POV]

“I don’t want to go to that school mom!” I yelled at my mother. She’s like this all the time, tormenting me, making me angry. She did nothing but drink ever since my father died. He died because of cancer, I know that it hurts a lot, but my mother doesn’t want to move on.

“I do whatever I want, and you do whatever I want, you got that?” she scowled at me. My life sucks, I hated my mother ever since I was born, my father was the only one who loved me, but he died and left me all alone in the hands of a person who doesn’t even want me to exist. My mother abused me a lot, she still abuses me but that’s natural. I got used to it. My father was the only one who can save me from her, but he’s you know, gone.

And of course, I still got these marks and bruises from her. My mother hates me like hell. She even tried to kill me once. She was so drunk back then that she decided to drown me in the tub when I was a child. Good thing that my father always backed me up, and yes, she still drinks even though my father was alive, she just gotten a little insane. She hates the fact that I was born, naturally. She even tried to cut me with razor blades and I still somewhat got the marks from that.

Now, she’s entirely ruining my life, sending me to this boarding school because she doesn’t want to see my face anymore. I really, really hate my life. If my father was here, everything would turn out fine like it used to. But he is not going to rise from the dead and save me, because, that would be… weird, really weird.

I’m in the middle of the first semester and she wants me to change my school? And not to mention, live in that school? I hate boarding schools, no life, no anything!

“You’re going to study at Harkins Academy whether you like it or not! I’m just going to give you your allowance every month,” I was eyeing her, but she wasn’t drunk. She’s normal right now, no toxins defying her brain.

She’s serious.

“Where did you even got that Harkins Academy information? I don’t even know that school!” I yelled at her again.

“I just saw its flyers! They’re everywhere!” she said, but I can see that she got it from a fellow businesswoman. I can read my mother’s mind. After all, she’s my mother. “So go pack your things now! I don’t want to see your face in this house tomorrow, you got that? Just get a cab and tell them Harkins Academy, they’ll know what to do,”

She went upstairs, probably going to get her sleep. Ugh. I hate my life. It’s better to die and live in Hell rather than living with my mom who thinks she controls everything around me. I mean, I’m 16 years old and kids around my age can do whatever they want, right?

I went upstairs too. I packed my things because my mother would totally kill me if I wouldn’t. After that, I went to my bed, stared at the ceiling and went to sleep.

I woke up, without a dream, unfortunately. I love dreams, because I think they show you something that could someday help you find life interesting.

My mother gave me my allowance for the whole month last night, she said, she’ll just send me my money every month. Are you currently thinking that I’m crying or somewhat sobbing for leaving my mom? Well, I don’t. I will just miss my friends and that’s all. No love for my mom, she never did love me anyway.

I fetch a cab and went inside it. I told him where the location should be and my mother was right, they know Harkins Academy. It turned out that my mother planned this already, I was just told last night, and heck I’m going to transfer the next day. I didn’t even say good-bye to my friends, but I didn’t intend to lessen the pain.

Harkins Academy, here I am. But the school doesn’t look boring itself. It looks old, but it’s big. But you know one thing I hate about it? Uniforms. I’m used in wearing my casual outfits and now, the school is required to wear those uniforms. I don’t like to wear skirts, well, that’s obvious.

I went inside the Academy and it was flawless. Marbled walls and floors, it looks like a hotel but better. My mother could have waited until tomorrow because today is Friday, which means, no classes for me today. So, I’m going to just meet my new roommate. I think class is over after all.

I went to the information booth, which I think is the office. The lady in her mid40’s gave me my schedule and my dormitory keys. She said I have a roommate which is sort of good so I’ll give it a try to befriend her.

The lady instructed me what floor and what door my room is. I opened the door and saw a little-headed blonde girl reading a book. She turned to look at me and was shocked to see that she got a new roommate.

“Are you my new roommate?” she asked, acting all excited. It really sucks to sleep in a dormitory room alone so, I’ll excuse her for getting pumped up.

“Yes,” I said with a matching nod. I pulled my baggage inside the room and went to the empty bed.

“I’m Emma Parker, nice to meet you!” she walked towards me and extended an arm, and with me not wanting to be rude, I took it.

“Avery Tanner,” I introduced.

“So,” she asked. “Are you an addict?”

“Excuse me?” I looked at her, confirming if I heard her words properly.

“Oh,” she gasped. “So you’re the same as me,”

“Same as what?” I asked. She didn’t even answer my first question properly.

“You’re also a person who was sent here by their parents who have no idea what this school is for,” she explained to me.

“I don’t get it,” I’m still looking at her, no it was more like a glare with some sort of confusion. “This school is for what?”

“For sex addicts,” she whispered.

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