Chap. 2

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Chapter 2-

The Blush.

I ask as Stabby appears infront of us. "uh did I walk in on something? I'll just be going..." she said as she teleported out of sight. I was left alone with Jack. I pull the covers futher up my body trying to hide as much as possible, I got it to about my nose before Jack stepped on the blanket. I felt my cheeks burn. "why not put this on~" he coos in my ear relesing the blanket. He hands me a pair of jeans and a (f/c) T-shirt. "uh thanks... hey what are you EEP~!" he grabbed your arms and pulled you into a hug."you just so adorable~!"

~~~TIME SKIP OF DOOM!~~~ We stand in front of a large table that was full of strang people, some wore mask some had strange featurs and some looked as normal as I did, like one cute little girl with pink hair and light pink skin (Pinkie' oh god rember her!) "alrighty o' guys meet (y/n) she's our newest member take it easy on her ok!" Stabby says , as she sits me down next to her, this place is so strange, yet I feel like I'm home, home for the first time. Jack joins us at the table, "eh guys!" he says pulling up a chair next to me and Stabby.

~~~Time skip two mounths~~~... OF DOOM over the past few months I've grow really close with everybody, but more importanly Jack, since I didn't have a room and Stabby just floats around in the vents(like a creeper) I've been staying with him. we all work for this Slenderman guy but, I haven't met him yet but Stabby tells me I will soon. Today started out pretty normal I was talking to Stabby and Ben in the living room, but then Ben started getting strange towards Stabby, making her quite uncomfortable."hmmm~" he cooed in her ear. "w-wait n-n-no man!" she said pushing him away. "come on~" he egged her on. Jack walked in the room and put a hand on Ben's shoulder, "dude she's like what 13, go flirt with someone else you pedo!" he snapped defending Stabby, she cowarded behind me. Ben nodded and looked at me with that perverted grin on his face, "hey~" Jack released him and pulled me away from Ben."no..." he said hugging me. I let this go on for a minute before Jack let me go, "Ben if you don't quit being a perv I'll have to cut that sharp tounge of your out! he said taking my hand in his own, "Stabby will you be ok by yourself while we're gone?" I feel a jolt of ... something go up my spin. "I'll keep an eye on her, don't worry." Masky said coming down the staires."ah good keep him away from her we'll be back." the fact that he didn't give a time made me uncomfortable but, I went along with it.

~~~Twenty minutes of walking and doom~~~ We approach a pond with dark black water, I feel his grip tighten. "what is this place?" I ask kind of dumbfolded. "a pond, but that's not important!" He said looking me in the eyes, my (e/c) eyes were hypnotised by his white orbs. "(y/n) I brought you here to tell you something... I really like you!" he said the last part really fast and closed his eyes, the grip on my hand tightened. Rather than telling him I already guessed that the night he kissed me two months ago I just blush deeply and he noticed it too. " I-"

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