Chap. 5

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Chapter 5-

The Walk Home:

We were both panting heavily, "a-a never I promise..." she said. I wore her out pretty bad. After we got dressed she stretched and yawned. I put a hand under her knees and one around her shoulders and pick her up bridal style. "huh what are you doing?" I just smile as I carry her home. She cuddled my chest and fell asleep in my arms. She's so light. ~~~time skip of doom/at the house~~~ I walk in the doors with (y/n) in my arms which did attract a few pairs of eyes. Jeff gave me a wolf howl, I just grin at him and make my way up to our room, I set (y/n) on the bed and let her sleep, she definitely would limp, and things might be a bit awkward but I didn't care about that at the moment I was to happy, I was in love. No matter how much I denied it, I was head over heals... for a human.

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