~ Reader's POV ~

You wake up to the sound of buzzing. You scratch your (h/c) hair as you sit up on your bed and turn to your husktop/computer, someone is pestering you. You sigh as you grab your husktop/computer (which is on your bedside table) As you turned on your husktop/computer you look at the time. 1am?! You open up pesterlog to see Karkat pestering you.

You open the chat thing idk

chumHandle [cH] began pestering carcinoGeneticist [cG]

gC: s9rry if it's triggering to y9u f9r me t9 be pestering y9u at such a time...
cH: Kankri!
cH: it's ok
cH: but why are you awake at this time?
gC: I d9nt really kn9w
cH: just wanna chat?
gC: yes... if y9u d9nt mind
cH: ok! I don't mind!

---- 1 hour time skip ----

chumHandle [cH] went offline

You ended up falling asleep in the middle of pestering Kankri

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