Chapter One

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A Mad-Tea Party

"'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves,

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe."

Mad Hatter tucked a strand of hair behind his beloved daughter's ear. He soothed her hair and held onto her head with both of his hands to make sure she didn't move her head as he made sure she looked presentable. "Stop that moving, Madeline!" he'd playfully yell as she whipped her head toward a nearby sound.

"Daddy, is it almost tea time?" Madeline asked, the eight year old playing with the laces of her shoes. The end of her puffy, light pink frilly dress was almost at her chest, lightly tickling her chin. "I want to beat the March Hare before he steals the muffins!"

Mad Hatter chuckled wildly into the sweet-smelling air. "Yes, my love, it's almost tea time, but I am one-hundred percent sure you will beat that sweet-loving thief. I will make sure of it. But don't forget to leave one for Dormouse, even though he hasn't finished his last muffin. He may be asleep, but I've heard him mutter a thanks every time you leave him a treat. I believe he really appreciates the kind gestures."

Madeline stared into the mirror that sat in front of her. She compared herself to her father. The only thing that was shared between them was their flaming-red hair. She'd never known who her mother was, but she didn't care. The only person who loved her very so was her father. His eyes glazed over with madness, and she knew that one day she would get that mad gene. It runs in the family, as she was told.

"All right, Madeline, out you go. Don't let anything ruin that perfect hair of yours!" he shouted after her as she rushed to the back where there was a long, large table that ran down the length of the yard. Dormouse was the first person to get there, only because he had been asleep for weeks. She can't remember the last time he was awake or moved from his spot.

Madeline plopped down in the seat to the right of a large throne. She was always on the right side of her father. With a vigilant eye on the clock, she watched out for the sneaky hare while nibbling on a fresh muffin. She noticed two long, bunny ears pop out from underneath the table and pushed them away, yelling, "Aha! I've finally gotten here before you!"

The clock struck six o'clock, and Mad Hatter came strolling out of his house. It wasn't the largest house, but it was enough for him and his daughter. Next door was their infamous hat store where people and creatures all over Wonderland came to buy beautifully crafted, unique hats.

"Who is ready for tea time?" Mad Hatter sang, pulling his hat off his head and placing it on Madeline's tiny head. It sank down to her eyes, but she adjusted it to make sure she could see. Madeline loved that hat—it was the very first hat her father created and was not going to be his last. It was the most beautiful thing she ever saw, even if it was a plain black top hat with a wide, red ribbon laced around the middle.

Madeline played with sugar cubes as Mad Hatter and March Hare talked over everything and nothing. She watched as it dissolved in her tea, still eating her first muffin. Dormouse's snores could be heard from miles away. She always wondered how such a creature could sleep for so long.

"Madeline, darling, would you like me to get your hat kit out?"

She looked up from her tea and into her father's eyes. He had that crazy smile she was so familiar with; he just knew what she needed. "Yes," she spoke, after taking a long sip from her sweetened tea. "Would you please get it for me?"

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