Tyler & Emily

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Tyler and Emily have grown to like each other over the course of time they've been held captive in a dark cold cellar. By the man who holds their bodies for puppetry. They would occasionally be taken off the hook, taking the advantage to get to know each other.

Tyler couldn't help but compliment Emily, how great she looked. Even under the worst circumstances. Until they finally shared a kiss. Right before the man caught them and put them back on their hooks for the remainder of the week.

Using their bodies to perform shows.

The man finally had enough of their continuous flirting, he put them both in a pitch black room together. No food, no hydro. Just them.

Emily sunk into Tyler for comfort. Hoping to get past the night, until Tyler broke the dead silence.

"You're so beautiful." Emily smiled a weak one. Lips dry and body dehydrated, she was weak. Yet, she still managed to put on a face.

"You can't see me though." It was a good thing because Tyler was for sure burning up.

"It doesn't matter, I know you're beautiful." Tyler insisted. Making Emily's turn to blush. 

"I wonder if we'll be the same when we are set free." Tyler thought out loud, Emily looked up at him in confusion. "If we'll even be set free." Tyler obliviously stared ahead, into the blackness.

"Why are you thinking like that?" Emily knew she was going to get out of there. Why was Tyler thinking otherwise?

"Maybe if we don't make it-"

"Tyler!" Emily gasped in exasperation. Tyler sighed.

"Well, if I don't make it, just know maybe we'll meet again in another life." Tyler whispered in sadness. Knowing the only way he'll be seeing Emily by any chance is-

Tyler was silenced by feeling cold dry lips on his. Tyler internally sobbed, his body too tired and in exhaustion. Emily was trying her hardest to move her lips against his, her body taking over by exhaustion almost immediately.

Tyler laid Emily down, still trying to maintain the kiss. Not caring if the man was in the other room. Not caring if the room was pitch black. All they had at this point was each other.

* * *

Tyler whispered sweet nothings into Emily's ear, trying to sooth her.  Emily couldn't hold back her sobs. Tyler watched with worried eyes as Emily writhed in discomfort. Tyler couldn't tell whether if Emily was just really homesick or it was that time of the month. The temperature in this freezer burn cellar was enough to lessen her cramps.

Tyler liked Emily from the overtime they've been together, trapped in the man's layer. Though it was not the best of places to have met. Tyler couldn't help but find Emily stunning.

Emily however, could not help but look at Tyler like he was a ghost. She didn't know how to tell him, because she didn't want to accept it herself. Emily's dignity was going to be thrown out the window.

"Emily? Are you gonna be alright?" Tyler noted the way Emily was clutching her stomach almost painfully. He couldn't watch her hurt herself, it was only hurting him.

"Just, don't worry about me." Emily hissed through her teeth.

Tyler's stomach dropped when he heard those evil footsteps of those of the man.

"Ahh, how are my two favourite things doing?" The man clapped his hands.

He opened the light flooding the room. Tyler gasped and sucked air into his lungs at the sight of Emily.

Emily & Tyler (a puppet boy one-shot) Where stories live. Discover now