Secrets Unravel

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You thought that you knew the correct story of Harry Potter but yet there were things you never even knew at all. Sirius and Remus were together and never died. Fred is still very much alive along with Snape. Draco and Harry were Hogwarts power couple. The Battle of Hogwarts went very differently and one more thing. Oh yeah, Me. This is not the story of the chosen, but it does start the night his story began and so did mine. My name is Haley Potter and this is the story you never heard.

The night that Lily and James Potter were killed and Harry was orphaned was the same night that I was let's say "born". I won't bore you with every detail but I will tell you all about it. That night when Snape came to see my mother fallen was the night I gained a new family. He was among some of the few that knew that my mother was pregnant. He knew he would have to help out her born child Harry but he also knew that he had to help me.

Once Dumbledore arrived to get Harry, Snape begged him to save me. He thought he owed it to Lily. Wizard's have a very old spell that not many know of. So once Hagrid got Harry, Dumbledore performed the spell to get me in fetus form from my mother before I too died. Now it wasn't a secret that there was a second Potter child because I was the taken to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies. It hit the Daily Prophet and was the second biggest article next to Harry surviving. I was only a fetus of 5 months. So I was sent to a special ward where I continued to grow.

No one believed that I was real, I mean no one have ever heard of the spell. It has been long forgotten. I mean have you heard of the spell vivat infans. I didn't think so. So I spent my life being raised away from the world. Oh and to answer your questions yes I have a scar. It's half a heart and is right below my right ear. That is what's left behind when vivat infans is used on you. That was one of the few facts that the press knew after they researched vivat infans. I was "born" February 25th 1982, but no one believed that fact. So I was raised in secrecy by Snape but you know the funny part is he didn't let me around magic. I just lived in a secret area of Hogwarts where the only magic he let me near was potions.

But in a rush after 11 years of life I still got my Hogwarts letter in 1993. Snape being Snape got everything for me except my robes and wand. He let me go out to London with him to get those and that's when my story truly began. Diagon Alley was spectacular everything just seemed so alive. From the owlery shop to the broom shop. By time we reached Madame Malkin's Robes Snape was tired of me.

'Hello dear just give me one second and i'll be right with you' Madame Malkin said once I walked in.

'Thank you' Snape spoke before I could 'Haley go stand on that stool and I'm gonna be back soon once I'm done getting some items needed for potions,'

'Okay.' I nodded in understanding and went over to stand on the stool.

'Hello' said a voice.

I look over to see a face smiling up at me.

'Hello' I say shyly to the girl standing next to me.

She hand dark brown wavy hair that goes just past her shoulders, sandy brown skin. Her eyes were a deep brown that were sending a warm and welcoming gaze to my eyes. She had black kinda rectangular glasses.

'My name is Jimenez, Gilma Jimenez' She said happily 'I'm here to get fitted for my Hogwarts school robes.'

'Same' I said not knowing she seen my scar, or the importance of said scar.

'What's your name?' Gilma asked a hint a wonder in her voice.

'All righty then off you go.' Madam Malkin said to Gilma.

'Well goodbye for now I guess' Gilma said as she left the store with her parents.

'Let's get started with you now shall we?' Malkin said as she slipped a robe over my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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