Orientation Day

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Kasai and Angelica bounded into school together hand in hand, they were about to embark on their first day of high school at Crystal Springs High. They came to a halt at the school gates, taking a moment to catch their breath. 

Kasai staring down at the floor panting, her long mint hair was flicking her in her eyes. She looked up at Angelica, her hair flicking back to rest around her shoulders once again. Kasai began to  burst out laughing as she noticed a large strand of hair in Angelica's bubblegum pink hair hanging right over her nose in an odd shape. Angelica stood in confusion before seeing her hair danging over her face, making her cross eyes, she began to laugh too as she swept it back into her puffy ponytail. 

The girls began to slowly walk towards the doors of the school, swung open with students busily rushing in and out. Kasai took a deep breath, the crisp Autumn air filled her senses, trying to calm herself down. Not only was she filled with excitement but all the sounds around school hurt, being  a werewolf large schools weren't always easy. 

"So, anything in particular you want to do?" Angelica inquired.

"I think I want to join drama club or theatre, one of the two, what about you?" 

"I'm just going to focus on my studies first I reckon. Better get a grip on one thing before adding something extra."

"Smart move, almost too smart." Kasai strokes her chin.

Angelica jokingly punches her in the arm. They laugh for a bit before realising they were standing in front of the school doors. Kasai takes a deep breath, You can do this, she glanced over to Angelica to see she was gone. Kasai called out for her, she scanned beyond the school doors, Angelica had marched, head high without her. Kasai scrambled through the maze of passing students to get back by her side before telling her off.

"I'm sorry, wanna hold my hand?" She said sarcastically before sticking out her tongue. Kasai snorted in response. She followed her into a queue for a booth. The sign read 'Handouts'. She looked back down and the staff at the front was calling them over.

"Morning girls, can I have your full names so I can find your timetables? Oh and have these." The rabbit teacher handed them both pamphlets. 

"Angelica Sorrin and Kasai Mauis." Angelica said while Kasai went over the pamphlet. It had a map of the school, a schedule for today and some pictures of the teachers. She felt a sudden tug  on her arm as she was pulled over to the side. Angelica shoved Kasai's timetable in her face.

"You have to watch out Kasai or you're going to get run over." Angelica said in a stern tone.

"Sorry mum." Kasai said rolling her eyes. "Anyway, apparently we have to head to the hall next for a orientation assembly or something." 

"Where's the hall?" Angelica moved next to Kasai and cocked her head to read the pamphlet.

Kasai pointed to a large room in front of them, through the glass windows and open doors they could see countless rows of chairs and students. 

They walked into the hall, it was pretty full. Angelica marched down the aisle of pop up chairs, Kasai followed until they reached two free seats at the end of a row. Kasai shuffled in first and sat next to the boys next to her.

Kasai and Angelica scanned over there timetables, checking what classes they had together. 

"Oh I think we Math toge- Eeek!" Kasai cried as a sharp pain suddenly pierced her tail. 

She turned over to see the boy next to her accidental stepped on her tail while joking around with his friend. She swallowed her pain and tapped the brown haired boy on the shoulder.  He turned over to her, almost hitting his friend with his horns.

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