Chapter one

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Third POV

Y/N got up from her bed, rubbing her eyes. Stretching, she raised a hand and promptly slapped it down on the annoying clock that kept buzzing. She shuffled out into the living room glancing around for any sign of what time it was.... Or maybe even what day it was. Sighing again she yawned and got herself some coffee. After drinking it all she finally decided it was time to clean up. At least a little bit. In the intervening time she found out that it was saturday. This meant a day off and a binge watching day. Y/N smiled inwardly. Cleaning her teeth she got into slightly more reasonable pajamas. Now she was curled up on her couch, in sweatpants and a f/c tank top. She made herself some cereal and ate it on the old couch, it's cushions sinking under her slight weight, a sign of it's age. She quickly turned to netflix and started her perfect day, smiling.


After binge watching for awhile, Supernatural does get addicting after a time, Y/N stretched up from her nest of blankets and pillows. Checking the time she realized that it was now about 3:00. She glanced at her ramen bowl by her nest, and sighed, bending down and taking it to the sink. She washed it in the sink, keeping a watchful eye on the show as it showed Crowley being his usual self.

Then Y/N head a knock on the door. Probably the mailman, she reasoned, thinking of the brown haired male that usually showed up. As she finished up and got ready to binge watch stuff again, the knock on her door came again startling her out of train of thought. Groaning slightly she got up pausing in front of the door. A sudden sense filled her but she quickly pushed it away without a thought. Curiosity was instead ringing inside her as she wondered who would walk up all those stairs just to come to her apartment.

Opening the door a bit, the gap soon widened in shock as she stared down at a small girl. The girl was trying to keep a straight face talking to something else. Brown hair came down in waves, but was held at bay by a rainbow headband. She was trying to be professional, or so you assumed by the tux and the sunglasses. She gave one last reassuring smile to the creature behind her flashing her braces, before turning around to greet you. As she turned you finally got a glimpse at what she was talking to and had to quickly hide your surprise. A small pig was standing beside her, tux also on. His sunglasses fell down his snout as he oinked softly at you.

"Uhm, can I help you?" You question glancing towards the girl again. She nods quickly.

"Does your name happen to be Y/N?"

"Uhh, yes why?" You were starting to wonder what you had just gotten yourself into.

"Oh my gosh!" The girl screamed losing all sense of calm and rationality as she quickly turned around again. "Dipper! I found her! Get up here!" You see a smallish boy quickly run up the stairs, huffing as he lugged a book with him. A hat sat on his head, slightly askew until he fixed it grabbing the brim. The pine tree on it was now clearly visible. He looks at you suddenly and fixes his messy brown hair.

"You Y/N?" He asks. You nod not exactly trusting your voice right now. What the heck was going on!?

"Oh my gosh! Dipper can you believe it!? It's Y/N from the books!" She turns to you again her hair whipping along side her. Compared to your l/h h/c it was quite...glittery.

"Candy and Glenda would've loved to meet you but I have something important to tell you, but I'm so excited because you're so amazing and you go on such cool adventures and your whole entire series is amazing I mean who else is able to leap through dimensions and just save entire worlds like you and you look so pretty while doing it and I know how you probably don't need help but I practically had to beg Dipper to let me and Waddles go." You shook your head slightly not getting at all what she was saying. Dimension? Books?

"Uhm, you must have the wrong person."

"Nope." Dipper said. "Mabel's right it's you. We just came early." He shut his book and made a loud slam as the girl, Mabel, was practically jumping up and down.

"Can you repeat that, only shortened and slower?" You finally ask looking at the small girl.

"We know how your books end and we want to change it."

~Okay so hello I'm fairly new at writing so I'm definitely going to need feed back on what y'all think and to help me out. I'm planning on making this a long running thing so yay! I'm going to upload fairly quick at first but I'll get slower as we actually get into the story. Also I'm not too good at any POV's really yet so this is going to b kicked off with a lot of third POV. If you prefer it a different way please let me know and I can change and try to fix it! Also currently I'm making the reader a girl since that's a lot easier for me to write with. If you guys really I want I'll go back and change it to be gender neutral later but for now while I'm still getting this story started please just change it up in your mind. Bye~

CalledDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora