Girl (Guy) That You Love

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My grip tightens around Brendon's waist, and I can feel his heavy breaths against my jugular and his smile against the base of my neck as I rub my chin against his dark head of short hair. Brendon presses a kiss to my collar bone in return.

It was the feel of him, such a healthy poison to preceding eight years of my life, that would be the death of me, Dallon James Weekes.

I have no clue how I got here, without a band or a job, a wife or a close group of friends, but I know there has to be some story leading up to this moment that makes me perfectly content without any of those things right here, dangling in front of my head. I just haven't thought of it yet.


"Dal!" A light nudging at my foot sent me plummeting down the summit of Mount Everest, thoughts flying at me at a hundred miles a second, and I started to hyperventilate.

My eyes shot around the room indecisively until they met two brilliant, calming brown orbs, the eyes of Breezy Douglas. Breezy soon-to-be Weekes. I smiled crookedly at her and closed my eyes, keeping cool in my oxfords and tuxedo.

"..Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way..." the minister's voice hit me like a brick, and I tried not to act like I was neglecting to pay attention at my own wedding. Breezy was probably close to decking me across the pews.

After about three seconds of letting the fact that I was currently standing in my wedding ceremony sink in, my eyes met Breezy's again and she looked just as nervous as I felt, but she was ten fold as beautiful as I was. I scrunched up my eyes in delight at her, and she sort of half-smiled at me nervously in return.

It wasn't long before I became antsy, my wide eyes shifting to stare at the minister, whom I knew personally from my Mormon missionary trip to Oklahoma, and he blinked encouragingly at me and continued his lines. I noticed his slowing the syllable per second just for me to be aware of the achingly close "I do"s; smiling, I sent a small nod toward Breezy, whose jaw clenched in panic for a couple seconds. 

"Breezy Olivia Douglas and Dallon James Weekes, if you are ready to step into the holy circle of matrimony, assuming all its rights, obligations and abundant joys, please so indicate by joining hands," the minister's voice rang around the temple, and I could see my mother and Breezy's mother's eyes tear up in my peripheral vision. My eyes shifted to stare into Breezy's eyes.

The look of pure love reciprocated in her eyes made me the most happy man on earth as we stood in front of every person I loved and she loved, and I had nothing more to ask for. My smile spread from ear to ear at the love I felt for the woman standing in front of me, our hands joined at the order of the minister; her hands felt like everything and nothing settled in my ungraceful, large, sweaty hands. I could feel the held breaths of each person in the pews and lining the back of the temple, and I just wanted to kiss my extremely soon-to-be wife and start my new life with her in my arms.

"Do you, Breezy Douglas take this man, Dallon James Weekes, as your husband, to love him and to honor him, to nurture, serve and support him, in times of joy and in times of difficulty? Do you promise to remain by his side regardless of what trouble befalls you, and in the presence of temptation to forsake this love, do you promise to remain steadfast and true? Do you promise with all your heart and soul to honor this vow till death do you part? If so, answer now, 'I do.'"

"I do!" Breezy nearly screamed the answer, wide-eyed and eyeing the minister. "Uh, yes, I do."

"And do you, Dallon James Weekes take this woman, Breezy Douglas, as your wife, to love her and to honor her, to nurture, serve and support her, in times of joy and in times of difficulty? Do you promise to remain by her side regardless of what trouble befalls you, and in the presence of temptation to forsake this love, do you promise to remain steadfast and true? Do you promise with all your heart and soul to honor this vow till death do you part? If so answer now, "I do,'" the minister asked me slowly, giving me a small smile.

I squeezed Breezy's hands and smiled between our hands and her eyes. "I do."

"And so we come, Breezy Douglas and Dallon Weekes, to the presentation of rings by which you symbolize and bind your love.

"The circle has long been a symbol of spirit and the power of God. The sky and the earth are round. The wind in its greatest power whirls. The sun and moon, both round, come forth and go down again in a circle. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing and always come back again to where they were.  Without beginning or end and with no point of weakness, the circle is a reminder of the eternal quality of God and of unending strength. Let the seamless circle of these rings become the symbol of your endless love and unending faithfulness.  Your wedding rings are most special because they say that even in your uniqueness you have chosen to be bonded, to allow the presence of another human being to enhance who you are.  Your rings carry a potent double message: We are individuals and yet we belong; we are not alone.  As you wear them through time, they will reflect not only who you are but also the glorious union that you are now creating.

"God, bless these rings and the two who exchange them. Fill them with your Holy Presence.  Keep them safe in the circle of Your protection and love."

"Breezy, place the ring on Dallon’s finger and repeat after me: 'With this ring, I pledge my love and faithfulness to you, today, tomorrow, and always.'"

"With- with this r-ring-" I could feel her holding back a sob, "-I pledge my love and faithfulness to you, Dal, today, tomorrow, and forever." Well, that was one way to paraphrase, Breeze.

I watched as Breezy, hands shaking, fumbled with the ring before clamping her hand around the halo full-on and steadying it between her index and thumb; she smiled widely at me and transferred the ring safely around my finger. After nudging it in place, her hands snapped away as if to keep from ruining the profundity of the symbol of unity around my finger, and I let out a short breath in a chuckle.

"Dallon, place the ring on Breezy’s finger and repeat after me: 'I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.'"

"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." She smiled and let out a laugh at my precise pronunciation of each syllable of the repetition, and I just gave her glare before picking up the ring and slowly settling it on her finger.

The minister smiled widely at me. "Wear these rings as the enclosing bond of reverence and trust. Fulfill the circle of love that now makes you one."

We stood in utter silence for a couple of minutes, Breezy and I taking each other in. The purity of our love was what really struck us both as we stood, staring at each other, knowing that then, after a year of loving each other and wanting, needing, each other, we finally had the one we loved.

And, at that moment of watching who I called my soul mate confess her love for me with only her eyes and beauty, I could have sworn it was love.

Man, was I so incredibly wrong.


This is NOT a Dallon/Breezy story or chapter! The ceremony was purely written in the spirit of future references and to show Dallon's innocence. There. I answered your question. Done.

I really hope you liked the beginning of this shitstorm of incoming Brallon. I decided to add the entire ceremony mainly to add to the mood, so please please please do not be angry; you could have just skipped over the minister's words if you felt the need. By the way, I partially improvised when it came to the minister's words; I've been to a lot of weddings, mainly because my granddad has married dozens of couples whose weddings I was allowed to attend. Sorry if it bores you.

Also, this whole story will not be completely centered around Dallon, but it will remain in 1st person to avoid confusion and obscurity. This story will pick up in the next couple of chapters!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or Dallon and Breezy Weekes. I am not Jesus. The vows traded between the couple and the words spoken by the minister were not written by me; I only listened and borrowed them for the usage in this fic.

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