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Don't ask me how it happened. Don't tell me how dumb I must be, but...

I live with a psychopathic killer.

Jeff the killer to be more exact

My name is Jacob, I'm 22 , I have blondish hair and green eyes, my hair is kind of long and I've never really been called "hot" before

For those who don't know I suggest look up "Jeff the killer" for the full origin story but he basically looks like a young joker from batman but he doesn't like to be called that.

I make money when I can, which is better then I can say for Jeff. I feel as if I should just jump into the story seeing that your probably not reading this for me. You want to hear about Jeff. He isn't as exiting as you might think you know...anyway...

Roomate with a killer (Jeff the killer)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant