not so normal day

25 1 2

*flashback *
Its September 1st 1939 the start of the war somehow i got in i showed i could fight and put up a good one

All the men and woman who were going to die its going to be horrible *two years into the war*

How am i alive i should be dead got shot 20 times

*near the end of the war* its almost done so close....
*end of flashback and waking up*
Its october 30th one more day until my birthday i would be 126 but im 16 to my step family my real family die in WW1

I put my paramore shirt on and some shorts i was going for a jog...JUST KIDDING im to lazy for that but i can run really fast my birth time is 4:17(really it is)

Im just going to play OW on comp being a mercy,,sombra main its fun but very toxic soo lets waste my life away playing video games
*next day*

Bleh my birthday all i want is money
Got ready more like put my sweat paints and tøp shirt on and ran downstairs

"Hey mom"
"Hi sweetie"
"What are we doing today" i said
"Well what do you want to do?" She said
"Eat at pizza hut and go go-karting" i said "lets do that" she said

*le time skip*
I brought morgan and allie with me were all crazy in a good way after we ate we went go-karting "LETS GOOOOO" we all screamed we all got in "y/n you ready to GET UR ASS KICKED"allie yelled "ASS KICKING WILL COMENCE IN 3 2 1" we all yelled the 'ZOOM' "HAHAH FUCKER" morgan yelled we all kept slaming into eachother after awhile we got off i was wheezing i was laughing so hard allie yelled "you fucking asian chicken" everyone thought we wouldnt do anything crazy but we dont have good home lives on November 3rd we are going to run away to my old base back in 1899 i was rich so my dad built a bunker its well hidden and well kept i go to it every weekend

*present opening*
Its from my mom its 2 suit cases my dad isnt here so ill just open them when he gets here thats in 2 hours...oh a note? What does it say
'Dear y/n
   I know you're running away so this is for you ill tell them you have black hair and blue bag and that ur 4'10' phew im none of those i have purple hair im 5'4 and 2 suitcases ' your dad knows too so does your siblings be safe ill tell them you when to your wretched aunts house and told them that your aunt wants you dead so they arrest her be safe visit once in awhile

Your mother' i smile and hugged her "thank you ill miss you" i cried "ill miss you too baby girl"..i went up and packed with allie and morgan
"Allie i have 3 million stashed in my base" i said they do know my age my real age
"Okay first stop your real home" there we went to our new home

(Soo how do you guys like it so far? Good bad too much? Please tell me)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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