Nerd Alert

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Ok so here is my first ever book. Not an experienced writer so leave a comment and tell me what you think of this chapter.

Love The Purple Alpha xx

OMG i HATE school soo much! Mainly because I have this nickname and its wannabe! I know what your thinking ' What the hell!? How did you get that nickname?' Well here's how it all started.

"Watch out Nerd!" Someone running up behind me shouted. Yes that's right it was nerd before it got turned into wannabe. I moved out of the way and there was the jock clique and their alpha hotty Josh Hotz threw an egg in my hair. And unfortunately for me it was photo day:( I couldn't tell of Josh because his dad is the principal. Yep my life is terrible. So I ran to the girls bathroom and tried to get all the egg out of my hair but it was all sticking so i ended up cutting my long beautiful blonde hair. I had tears in my eyes that's how much i love my hair. Now my best friend Skye thinks I'm really pretty because I have blue eyes,blonde hair and I've had a lot of request to be in the latest magazine but I found out that the most popular girl Victoria is a model and when I was on the runway I was so good that's what everyone said but Victoria said it was the worst she said that her 2 year old cousin could do better! I mean how rude is that!?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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