Dylan O'brien Imagines (SAD)

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You awake in a king sized bed,with your lovely husband Dylan seven months pregnant. You roll to your side facing him, and see his dark sweet chocolate brown eyes gazing into yours. He lifts his hand upon your cheek and gently rubs your smooth skin.
As you doze back to sleep, Dylan is in the kitchen making bacon and toast for breakfast (YOUR FAVORITE) he goes back to the bedroom to find a sleepy wife, who did not yet look ready for breakfast. Knowing you love bacon and eggs, Dylan places a stool over your lap with your breakfast on it. As he patiently waits, the delightful smell of eggs and scrumptious bacon awake you.
As you open your eyes you see one of the cutest faces Dylan has ever made, then followed by a "SURPRISE!" You've realised it's your 24 Birthday today. "Thank you baby!"you replied as you anxiously sat up for your breakfast. "No big deal." Dylan breathed with a gigantic smile on his face.after breakfast the both of you said your goodbyes and love yous before Dylan went back to work on the set of the hit show on MTV Teen Wolf😱.
Later that day, you decide to surprise him at work. You get in the car (still seven months pregnant) and drive to the studio. A bit more traffic than you had expected, but you won't let it stop you from having a good time. You turn on the radio to your favourite station that plays a lot of slow kids at play.
You get a text from Dylan, it says, "Srry it's taking so long not even busy right now just really bored, wish u were luv u." As you start to text back,"I love you too"

You had been at a GREEN stop light for a while now, and had not noticed the car horns, because the music was turned fully up. You had been hit by a pick up truck and were slightly paralized. Your phone cracked on your hand. Blood gushes from it, and your knee and ear. A huge scrape from under your eye discriminated sight from your left eye.
You look down at your stomach, and place your hand on top of your likely baby girl. You can only faintly see, with your ears ringing, you dial on your phone while cutting your fingers, not 911 but Dylan. She would much rather have him take care of her than some complete stranger.
Hey this is Dylan leave me a message unless I don't like you.You decided not to waste time and hung up and dialled 911. After all, the doctors will tell him what happened.
An ambulance drives you to the hospital, when you get there all you can here is Dylan screaming your name. You faintly reply "dylan" with a cough. As if he heard you he ran down the hallway you were rolling down in the catty. "Are you okay? What happened? I'm here for you, and I love you!" Dylan rushed knowing there was little time. The guards pulled him away "NO, STOP," Dylan yelped as they threw him to the waiting room.
Tyler(Posey) pats him on the shoulder as he weeps for you. Holland(Roden) rushes towards you followed by Crystal(Reed) Tyler(Hoechlin) and the others. Orny(Adams) strolls in with a huge teddy bear and a dozen balloons. "She okay." Orny called. "We don't know yet." Tyler spoke for Dylan.
Meanwhile, in the operating room, you were put under laugh gas and passed out for a while til' it wore off a couple ours into surgery, you feel you eye, stitches poorly done. Then you feel your hand, staples. Next you look at your stomach.😱in gasp.
"Where is she?" Dylan cried wiping the lone tear off his face. " Aren't we all wondering." Replied Colton (Haynes-no longer on show)
Your surgery is finally finished, but something is missing from your body, it's a baby! The fedus died in the accident. You sob, but Dylan comes in still with delight not knowing his baby has gone, he goes to his knees and shakes his head low to the ground. The others refuse to keep walking they're way down when they here Dylan weep a sad shout.
To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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