Moving into town

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Me and Aaliyah never saw it coming. Our moms said we were ALL Moving to Sharen. That means her family (her mom and 5 brothers) and then my whole family ( my parents, my grandmother, my 3 brothers and 3 dogs). 

We all moved in to this old Victorian house,which was very cheap. I guess now you could call us a family. Me and Aaliyah shared a room being the only young girls in the house.
Jace, Mark, and Jack all had a room.
James slept with my mom while Aaliyah's other 4 brothers split 2 rooms.    

This was the only normal day we would have in a long long long time. My mom and dad sat in there old room and Aaliyah's mom moved into hers. 
" Why here?" Asked Aaliyah.
" Because the storms.." I said slowly.
"We will be fine I promise"
10:27 the clock read as I jumped into my bed. I pulled the covers over myself.
Only to realize how cold it was in the house.  'Why?' Kept racing in my head. It was almost 103 outside but's like 57* inside. We don't have any air conditioning yet...weird.

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