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Just a oneshot, one part only
Pry wont get any reads lol

I just adore Cipher, she a baddie lol 😂😊😍😍 and she may not be like this, but just bear with me

Gon need just one keyword for this

(Y/N) = Your Name

Maybe you did think of her as attractive. Maybe not.

She reminded you of a she-wolf.

Nose so high, it disappeared into the clouds.
You didn't want to know for sure.
But one thing for sure, you were pissed.
She used your hacking skills by blackmailing you. She had appeared in your home and proved to you how she had trained snipers aimed at your unsuspecting, family member's head.
With no choice, you packed your things and quietly left with her.

And only to blackmail another guy, whose name was Dominic Toretto.
You didn't know the guy, but you did feel bad for him.
The first time you saw the buff man, he and Rhodes almost got into a fight while you were on a computer, fighting off any other bugs that could trace her plane that was in stealth mode.

She also went by, "Cipher"


Coming out from the bathroom, you pulled a shirt over yourself and walked into the room Cipher acquired you with on your stay.


You jumped at the feminine voice and quickly pulled the t-shirt over your chest.
She was leaning on the closed door of the bedroom. Blue eyes caculating and gleamed with something else. They swiftly swept over your bare legs that were wearing your usual night shorts.
You really didn't wear shorts around her. Or anyone in particular in this plane of hers. So this is a first. Especially for her.

You mostly didn't speak to her, but this time. Your emotions built up to a point where you could talk. From anger and frustration. "Next time you come in here. Knock first."

A flirty, humorous smile lit up her features. And she leaned forward and brought a hand towards the table next to the door. And rapped her knuckles against the oak.
It took you a moment to realize what she was doing. And you took the courage to narrow your eyes even more at her. "Cheeky."

"Just following your orders." She said, matter-of-factly.

You were about to spat a couple colorful words at Cipher for ruining your life. But held your tounge. "What's the reason behind all this? How could you possibly try to bring us all down lower."
You were speaking for yourself and Dom. Even though you didnt know him at the time.

"Honey, around here, I'm above everyone else. So yes, you are already lower." Cipher smiled and her eyes were crinkled in amusement. "But, at my side, you could be more."

"No thank you." You said and shifted on your feet when she pushed herself off the door and took steps towards you. "I'm already at your side. Forced to, may I add."

She chuckled but stopped right in front of you, her blue-eyed gaze so piercing you felt as if you were prey. Especially that she she was taller than you were and you nearly had to crane your neck to look up at the blonde "You make me laugh."

You glared at her, but was careful not to go overboard with the situation. You would know from experiences. And that made you more mad than you already were with everything at the time. And that you even had to watch yourself around her. You saw her "discipline" a few others for not agreeing with her. They nearly ended up with broken limbs but came out with bruises a day later when working on computers as same as you. Squinting your eyes, you stood in front of her, acting as if you were a shield of your own. "You know what your problem is? Cipher?"

"No, I don't know what my problem is. (Y/N)." She mocked, her cold, blue eyes seeming to pop out more in the dark lighting. Maybe it was her eyeliner.

"You're arrogant."

"Ouch." She fake pouted. "Whatever, we're getting off track. Do you know who rules at a queen's side?"
Her voice turned a bit low and she tilted her head in a precise way.
And you suddenly felt like a doe that a wolf is hunting after.

"A king, obviously." You reply, standing your ground when she walked towards you a bit more.

"Mm, good guess." She praised, her chin held up and pursed her lips. "To me, it's not just king and queen. How about you and I change that to just... queen and queen?" She waited for a moment to let you digest her words. "After this is all over, I'll give you anything you want. You want a house, I'll give you a castle. You want a car, you'll have a collection of your personal favorites. You want a person dead, I'll bomb the whole location on where this person's at."
Her tone and smile were sickly sweet.

"I'll be lying if I said it isn't tempting." Was your first answer to her without a seconds hesitation. "But I already made up my mind. After this, you said I'm a free person and I could do. So, I'm gone after whatever it is you want on your list."

"What if you're on that list?"
Oh, she was just pressing her luck.

" 'If'." You repeated and stepped away from her presence that seemed to suck your breath away. You sat on the bed and wrapped a blanket around yourself. Covering your bare legs from her piercing gaze. "Well, if I am on that list, then just cross it off, cause you're not getting it."

"My, you're just immovable aren't you?" She crooned and walked towards the bed and sat down next to you, making you scoot away from the blonde lady. "Oh. This bed gots a little bounce to it, don't it?" She sent a little wink your way and you returned it with a scowl. "Well, (Y/N), what do you say?"

"I already gave you an answer."

"Maybe you should rethink it. It's not everyday someone wants to give you the world."

"Maybe I don't want the world."

She shifted her gaze down and spread her hand on the sheet and smoothed a spot out then traced a finger towards your covered leg. "Really?"

"Really, really." You confirmed, shifting your leg away from her. And just hoping that this can all just end so you can go back to a nice, familiar bed and snuggle in it.
She tsked tsked and lifted her stare back up to you. Her lips almost pouting. She seems to want what she can't have.
A small moment passed and you sighed.

"You're not going to give up, are you?" You asked, exasperated about the whole ordeal.

"No, I'm not." She adjusted her shirt and looked at her fancy watch on her slender wrist. "Well, I gotta go. See ya, soon."

"Bye, Felicia." You waved, glumly. (A/N, 😂😂😂 LMAO I JUST HAD TO. This is for anyone who gets it)

Cipher rolled her blue eyes and swiftly got off the bed, walking towards the door. Her stride cool about everything.

You were definitely prey to her she-wolf self.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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