The First Glance

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I was so happy to leave my old high school. It was the dump of the town. It is what many consider "white trash." No one knew what a shower or deodorant was. Everyone was loud and way over the top. I never had that many friends at the school, but the ones I had were very close. They were the only reason I didn't leave that school sooner. But when it finally came to leaving, I was devastated to I had to leave my friends, but happy to finally leave.

I'm pulling into the school parking lot with great anxiousness. I've never been the new student before. Thousands of thoughts were racing through my head. "Will I like the people?" "Are they actually normal?" But most of all, "will they accept me for who I am?" I prayed to God that I don't have a repeat of my last school. The people there always looked at me differently when I came out. I thought I could trust them, but apparently not. I would get mocked, name called, and ignored. I hated life there. The pain of unacceptance killed me every time I set foot in that school. It was rough, but I tried to think positively. They're just people that don't understand. Hopefully, this school is more understanding.

Walking into the school was nerve racking. It was so different. The school was so big and fancy. If I didn't know better, I would have thought it was a Ivy League University. So fancy that I had no idea where my first hour was. In fact, I had no idea where anything was. It's like being lost in the grocery store, except multiplied by 5. I was panicking silently. I had no one to talk to. No one to ask for help. No one to comfort me in this stressful time. It was terrifying. I could feel the tears about to pour out of my eyes. The stress was too much. It felt almost like the entire weight of the sky was standing on your shoulders, but no one knew. A part of me really wished I could go back to my old, ghetto school again.

On my way to my new locker, I regularly noticed how nice the school was. I tried to distract myself from the anxiety I was feeling by forcing myself to notice how different this school was. Everything looked so clean and normal. The ceiling were tall. The hallways were wide and freshly painted a dull green. The kids were well dressed in clothes I've never seen at my old school. Most people wore clothes that looked like it costs more than the value of my life. It felt like foreign territory compared to my old school, but the thought of them not accepting me and having a repeat of my last school was constantly on my mind. After all, that's the whole reason why I left.

I finally arrived at my locker, locker 13, at the other side of the school, when I noticed someone blocking my way. I didn't much of it. I waited patiently because I was too shy to say excuse me. It felt like an eternity pasted by the time he left. However, something about him stuck with me. I have no idea what it was or who he was, but I didn't think much of it because I had to hurry. I can't be late on the first day of school. After he left, I sorted out all my things. One pile for each of my classes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. That's when the bell rang.

"Already?" I whispered to myself in frustration.

I rushed to my first hour hoping to sit in the back, away from everyone. I was unpacking my binder and pulling out a pencil, when I noticed the boy that was in front of my locker entered the class. He sat in the row of seats in front of me. Something about him had me staring. He was the first person I've​ truly noticed since I've been at school today. I don't even know his name, but yet he had my full attention. Finally, the teacher entered the class.

"Hello class, my name is Mr. Johnson, and I'll be your sophomore science teacher."

He was a middle-aged​, short man with a few gray hairs. I can tell he's been teacher for a while based on the few seconds I've known him. He the strict teacher that expects total attention of the class. I was not excited.

"Let's start with attendance. Is there a Samantha B?" Mr. Johnson started

It was probably halfway​ through the list when he called out a name that stuck with me.

"Weston Koury," Mr. Johnson said very loudly.

The guy in the row in front of me raised his hand.


His voice rang though out my head. The word "here" in his voice was the only thing I could focus on.

Finally, he got to my name.

"Travis R."

"Yeah," I said, confused about what's happening.

Mr. Johnson moved his eyes up from the paper towards me. His glasses halfway off his nose. He knew I wasn't paying attention.

"Oh! Here," I said while I was blushing

That's when Weston looked at me and grinned a little.

"He grinned at me," I thought over and over again

I finally calmed down when attendance was over. After all, it was just grin. He was probably just grinning at the fact I just made a fool of myself infront of the entire class by not answering Mr. Johnson.

"Pull out your notes. We're starting with chemical bonds," Said Mr. Johnson

The whole class groaned.

"If you guys want something to complain about, I'll give you homework on the first day"

God, I already hate him, and it's just the first day.

"This is gonna be a long year," Said Weston to Mario, who happens to be one his closest friends.

I laughed internally to what Weston said. He's funny and cute.

"So," said Mr. Johnson while turning on the projector. "A chemical bond is when-"

He already lost my attention. What use would this be in my life? Why can't they teach my how to balance a checkbook, or how to do my taxes? But nope, I have to learn what a chemical bond is.

~Hey guys, this is my first time ever writing a fan fiction. If you guys liked it or have suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment. I'm always open to constructive criticism. Anyway, I hope to continue this story if enough of you guys like it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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