Prologue: A Girl from the Plains

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Once, dragons and men coexisted.

They shared a peace forged in wisdom,

a peace that lasted many generations.

All that was lost when mankind disrupted

this balance in a sudden onslaught.

Man fought dragon in a savage war

that shook the foundations of their world.

This war was called The Scouring.

Defeated and humbled,

dragons vanished from the realm.

In time, man rebuilt and spread his

dominion across the land and

on to the islands beyond.

A millennium has passed

since those dark days ended.


(This stands for Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken; Blazing Blade)

Prologue: A Girl From The Plains

Mark Shisno. That was his name. The first thing he tried to recall was his appearance. He remembered that he had brown spiky hair partly due to not combing it at all. He also had fair skin and blue eyes. He wore a green cape, a black shirt, two red intersecting belts over his chest, black pants, a brown buckle belt, boots for traveling, and brown fingerless gloves. Once he remembered that, he decided to open his eyes.

He woke up with a start and realized that he was in a tent. He didn't own one, and he was pretty sure the bedroll he was in wasn't his. Neither he nor his sister brought tents with them. Speaking of which, where is my sister? he thought. As he started to feel fear and nervousness creep through him, he took several more deep breaths and thought things through.

Last thing he remembered was that he and his sister, Kat, were 'sent down' to one of the many plains in the region of Sacae. Some time had passed and both of them fainted from heatstroke. That was all he could remember.

He looked around anxiously and after a few seconds of frantic looking he saw another bedroll that had his sister. He calmed down a bit. Kat had brown hair (like him) that was at mid-back length and was around 11 years old (Mark was 18). She also had blue eyes and fair skin like him. As for her clothes, she wore a green cape, a black halterneck, a skort which was black on the skirt part and white on the shorts part, boots for traveling, brown fingerless gloves, and a green-and-white-striped bonnet.

Relieved that she was okay, Mark turned to the opening. The angle of the sunlight coming from the tent flap proclaimed that it was midday. Also, he saw that the weather was clear skies.

"I see you're awake," a voice said from outside.

Mark then saw a stunningly beautiful 15-year-old girl walk in (or was she 18?). The first thing he noticed, once he looked again, was her wide blue eyes. She had long green hair down to the middle of her back tied in a single ponytail. She wore a blue tunic-skirt, with long slits on the sides of the skirt portion to allow for easier mobility.

"I am Lyn, of the Lorca tribe," she introduced herself. "You're safe now. Who are you? Can you remember your name?"

"My name's Mark Shisno. My sister here's Kat."

Lyn gave a short chuckle. "What an odd-sounding name…" Mark and Kat just rolled their eyes. The name Shisno is odd. "But pay me no mind. It is a good name. I see by your attire that you are travelers. What brings you to the Sacae plains?"

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