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"Miiko! Miiko!!"

"Yeah? What do you need, Kei?"

Kei "Could you help me with something pleaseee?"

Miiko "Sure. *Comes down stairs* What do you need help with?"

Kei "Life."

Miiko "Well then I can't help you anymore."

Kei "Ughhh. But I need help with sewing."

Miiko "Oh I can help with that!"

Kei & Miiko are brother & sister who live together. They live in the city of Chikara, the headquarters of the government of Mitsuki Prefecture. Kei & Miiko have a younger sibling named Haruko who is currently sleeping. Their parents have been killed, so they live in a family of 3. Haruko is 7 years of age, Miiko is 13, & Kei is the oldest with 14 years. 


Miiko "Oh good morning Haruko!"

Haruko "Hi."

Kei "Breakfast is already made, it's in the kitchen. Go eat up!"

Haruko "Okay."

Kei's clothes got ripped yesterday when escaping from the government. They had snagged on a fence. Miiko is helping sew the rips.

Kei "Miiko?"

Miiko "Yeah?"

Kei "We need to run away. The 3 of us. We can't live here."

Miiko "I know, but how can we run away when there is basically a wall of guards surrounding us?"

Kei "I've thought of some ways that we could escape. It might be a bit dangerous though, but it's all we can hope on." 

Miiko "*Sigh* We can't. We still need a lot of supplies before we can actually attempt to escape."

Kei "I've made a list & a plan."

Miiko "Kei, you have to realise the reality. We can't escape, no matter what we do."

Kei "Well you need to have some hope.

Miiko "There isn't hope."

Kei "Just believe."


"Hey kids!"

Miiko "What? Who was that?"

Taro "Me! My name's Taro!"

Kei "Nice to meet you, Taro!"

Taro "Come in here! Quickly! The government forces are coming!"

Miiko "I thought they were coming tomorrow?"

Taro "They changed their minds! Look over there! Down the street!"

*Armed forces approaching*

Kei "Miiko! Go inside! I'll get Haruko!"

Miiko "NO! You go inside! You're older!"

Kei "Taro! Get her inside & lock the doors! Make sure that you'll protect her!"

*Taro dragging her inside*

Miiko "NO!! NO!!! KEI!!"

*Doors slam & lock*

Kei runs to an alley that's a shortcut to home. Kei quickly stops when he sees the Guntai (Armed Forces) & hides. He hears the terrifying synchronised stomps & march. Soon, he hears the march stop.


A loud cracking sound is heard as the hundreds of doors had been kicked open. Screams are heard but are drowned out by gunshots. Kei sees a fence & he climbs over it. Kei can hear laughs in the distance. He runs quietly down the alley, turns right, & encounters a wall with a pipe. He climbs the pipe & climbs over the wall. Kei jumps down & his home is in sight. Haruko is in there somewhere. Kei runs over to a wall & peeks. He sees no Guntai so he runs to his home.



*Running around the house*


Kei spent a while looking for Haruko. Haruko was never found. It wasn't until Kei realised that his door was broken & there were boot prints everywhere. Kei couldn't stay & cry since he had to get away, but he still stayed & cried. 

*Sound of stomps approaching*

Kei heard the sounds of the stomps. He was not thinking correctly & he ran out into the streets. He noticed that his neighbors' doors had also been kicked open & some of the houses had blood flowing from them or dripping from the windows. The Guntai had been marching down his street & Kei did not run & hide. 


Guntai "Make way or be killed!"

Kei "MEINU!!!"

Guntai "Last warning!"




*In the distance* "WATASHI O KOROSHITE!!!!" *Gunshots*

Miiko *Gasp* That was Kei!

Taro "That wasn't Kei, Miiko, stay calm & be quiet."

Miiko "That was Kei! I know his voice anywhere!"

Taro "Miiko! You need to stay quiet!"


Taro "So you won't die!"

Miiko "I don't care if I die! We're all going to die! Every! Single! One of u-"


Guntai "Yoshinori's commands."



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