The Past (1)

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Shay Roode stepped outside into a winter wonderland and shivered. With a light smile on her lips she pulled her black scarf closer. 'It sure is cold out here. I hope John isnt late again.. '

Shay closed her small apartment door shut and looked around herself. 'All clear it seems. Shame.. I havent seen action in a while. Wonder were all the bad guys crawled off to? '

The land around her sparkled with freshly lain snow and all the dead trees creaked under its weight. A little further down the road was a car, a mustang to be exsact, rolling down the street at a jerky speed. The left tail light was shattered and their seemed to be bullet holes in the side of it. Shay Roode wouldnt have to wonder any longer as it slamed to a stop infront of her.

"John!" She yelled dropping her large bag onto the ground and rushing forwards. 

Inside the car was a man. He seemed tall, had black hair, charming eyes, and was bleeding from several small wounds on his face. He slowly pushed open the door to his car and fell out. 

"H-hey Shay. Sorry im late." He grunted as she scooped him up in her arms. He smiled.

"Your shot! Oh god John, how do you keep doing that? Even in this line of work it still amazing me that you just seem to find trouble outta thin air." She exclaimed, tugging the man up and leading him into her apartment. 

It was small. When you walked in their was only three rooms: a tiny kitchen on your amediate right, a living-room that opens out of the kitchen, a minute bathroom off the left of the room, an another lesser room on the same side. Shay hurried him into the living-room, dumping him on her couch. 

She then rushed to her room, sliding out from under her bed a large suitcase. She clicks it open and digs around its contents: fifty gold coins, two glocks equipped with silencers, three switch blades, one big bag filled with an assortment of medical stuff, she grabs the bag and goes back to John.

"Here. Ill have you all patched up in a second. Now tell me John.. What the fuck happened this time?" She said, clicking the bag open and taking out gauze, alcohol,  and a needle with thread. He smiles, swiping the bottle of alcohol from her hand, "Well, you know. The usual." He drawls, taking a swig of the drink in his hand.  

Shay rolls her eyes and snatches the bottle away. "This-" she gives the bottle a shake, "is for your wound." 

Tentatively, she lifts his shirt off of him, her eyes gazing along his muscled body intill they landed on the wound. "Och."

She then pours the bottle onto the wound and the blood and stuff clears away. John winces. 

"So.. These thugs thought they could take my wallet.." He said, giving a small laugh. 
"You should see them."

Shay rolls her eyes, "You didnt kill them did you?" 

"No. They were just commom thugs. No big deal. I just gave them a beating and knocked them out." 

"Mhm." Her fingers deftly skims over his skin, pulling the stitches in and out. "Good."

"Hey, dont worry about me. Im fine. Ive the best damn sticher fixing me up. She'll take good care of me. I know it." John reaches for her, grabing her under her chin so she would look at him. 

Her insides churn. "Of course you do. But i heard shes getting tired of always dealing with your blood. She figures you should stop getting shot."

He laughs, "Does she think i do this on purpose?!" 

Shay looks down, smiling, "Yah, shes starting to think you jump into the bullets nowadays."

John stiffles a snort, "Yah, sure i do. I really enjoy getting shot."

She glares at his chest and finishes. "Smart ass." 

He just smiles and pulls her to look at him again. "Thank you for patching me up again." 

Her heart beats faster, but she doesnt notice. She breathes out, "Youre welcome." 

She throws his shirt into her basket of dirty clothes and goes into her room. 'He needs to be careful.. Cant he see how i feel?' She sighs and pulls out one of his shirts from her dresser, then she returns it to him. 

"Here." She tosses the plain white shirt at John's face. "How do you feel?" 

Her eyes trail along his body as his muscels flex as he puts his shirt on. 

John smiles from behind the cover of his shirt. 

"What? You know white is pretty see through color right?" She says, a light pink covering her cheeks.

He raises an eyebrow, "Yes Shay, im fine now thanks to you. And.. Im aware of that. After all, I could see you too you  know?" 

Now its her turn to smile. "I suppose you can. But what was with the smile?" She fingers the scarf around her neck before whisking it off. "Suppose were staying here?" 

John nods, "Yea. And.. I was smiling because it looked like you liked what you saw." 

Shay chokes on air. "W-what? Are you insane? I was looking at your wound."

He picks up the remote and clicks on the tv, a ghost of a smirk on his face. 

She sighs and goes into her kitchen to rinse her hands. The tap squeaks when she turns it on and she quickly lathers her hands. "What are we watching?" She says, looking up from the water and at the tv.  On it are what looks like a pair of cowboys. 

"Johnn.." Shay drags out. 'He knows how i feel about westerns.'  She finishes up, grabs a small lavender hand towel to dry her now unbloody hands, and flops down beside John on her couch. 

She snatches the remote out of his hands. "Here. We desise together." Shay empathizes together. 

He smiles and nodds. "Whatever you want." John sneeks a kiss on her cheek. 

She blushes but ignores him, flicking through movies intill they deside on one that they want. 

"Cowboys and Aliens."

John agrued relentlessly for something western while Shay wanted something syfi, like the matrix. In the end "Cowboys and Aliens" was desides upon. 

*1hr and 30mins later.*

John and Shay were all cuddled up. Johns head was resting on her shoulder and their hands intertwined. "That wasnt so bad." She said, yawning. 

She looks over at John to find him sound asleep. Shay grumbles, "Of course.. I comprise and he falls asleep on me." She smiles and fixes his hair. "Eh, he was shot.. Ill let this slide this one time." 

She slowly gets up, sliding out from underneath him and lays him down properly on the couch. Going into her room she pulls her top blanket off and returns back to John. "Sleep tight." She covers him and goes to bed herself. 

1162 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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