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         "Quickly now, children!" A voice spoke somewhere near me. My senses come back, as I begin to awaken. I feel a harsh breeze, as if running against it. I can hear voices, some as children crying or begging to stop. Others in the distance, yelling to follow. I open my eyes now, slowly. I am being carried, I am bouncing in their arms. We are moving quickly towards a forest, somewhat odd. Children are running ahead, some as young as three. A shadowed lady is guiding the children the right direction, I cannot see her face nor her features. A quick second, and I am in the air. Gliding up, then falling. Falling ever so quickly. I land in a patch of dirt, rocky and hard. I do not cry, though. I brush dirt off my face, and look around. Children are still running. A young boy is on the ground a short distance away, filthy and frightened. The mistress speeds over, and examines the boy. He is hurt, and there is a red substance on the ground close to him. I feel a growing pain, and look down to where it is. My leg is cut. It goes numb, and I cannot feel it. A shadow surrounds the area around me. The mistress picks up the boy, and charges away, into the darkened forest, after the children. They do not notice me. I cry out, but am silenced. I can feel fire, a very hot feeling. It is close. A quick second, and I cannot breathe. I try, but fail. The world blackens, and I fall into what I thought was death.

I was very wrong.  

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