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(Art by me)

"-it's blinding!" Ali'i's voice rang through my ears, my foot tapping slightly in rhythm. The beautiful town of Altea rolled past my vision. The flowering plants brought a smile to my face.

"Next stop, Arus Avenue!" The bus diver shouted, catching my attention.

I slung my bag onto my shoulders, popping one of my earbuds out as the bus came to a slowed stop. I slid out out of my seat and walked down the narrow isle way towards the door.

"Thank you! I'll see you later, Shiro!" I said with a wave, taking my bike off he front of the city bus.

"Good bye, Kiona! Have a wonderful day," he replied, tipping his hat slightly with a smile.

I put my earbud back in and put my bag in the basket on the front of my pastel purple and blue-green highlighted bike before I pedaled off to work.

The town of Altea was so beautiful. The colors all complimented one another; adding to the characters of the architecture.

The town was old, yet new. The building stretched up high, like the beautiful town buildings and homes of France or London, but the technology of the current day still flourished and spread across the world(s).

I pulled up I front of a small building. It's white paint made the blue-green trim pop. The beautiful clean glass windows had small drawings of flowers and plants along the side to welcome customers and pedestrians as the walked by. They allowed light to pass through, but the blinds blocked most of it out. And the sign right above the door, it looked as if it were supposed to be above a fairy tale tavern. It was a beautiful light wood sign, probably birch, with rivets around the edges to make it seem more classy, the trim makes along with the rest of the building, following its style with precise painting, but the small shop's name was painted with deliciously and precision like no other. It was curly a elegant, but it wasn't cursive. As you stared up at the sign, you would read "Kiona's Secret Garden" and immediately have an urge to peek inside. As you walked through the beautiful glass door with, again, blue-green trim, with a piece of wood running through the middle so it could have the silver mail slot it held in place. You would hear a slight ring of a bell, not annoyingly loud, but loud enough to catch one's attention. But the outside was nothing compared to the treasure of a room that hid within.

Plants were scattered across the large room; going up and down the walls, on small tables and chairs, as if it were an overgrown garden. The cashier desk laid at the back-center of the room. The counter was a beautiful blue-green stained wood with a white base underneath it. There was a glass door behind it, matching the one in the front (minus the mail slot), but a shade blocked one from peering through. The walls itself danced with beautiful paintings of nature and designs, it would make you stare them in awe alone. The colors danced off the originally white painted wall with light wood (again, probably birch) trim that ran along the bottom and top of the room. This shop could make anyone's day in a heartbeat; just one glance and it immediately puts a smile an your face, even if it's the smallest you could see.

I chained up my bike and slung my bag on my arm as I fumbled to find my keys to unlock the door. I opened the door, softly shutting it behind me. While placing my keys on the counter along with my phone and bag, I pulled my hair up into a quick ponytail before taking off my light jacket and rolling up my sleeves. I replaced my apron on the hook in the back room with my belongings and pulled up the blinds to give my lovely plants some victim D. I flipped the beautifully handcrafted sign to read "Open".

After returning to my desk and watering each and everyone of my plants that needed it, the soft doorbell rang, kindly turning my head in reaction.

My eyes met a sweet grin and ocean blue eyes, causing me to smile with glee.

" 'Morning beautiful. I got a package for you!" The tall lengthy man chirped.

I ran over to him and signed his clipboard in excitement. Rushing over to the counter, I sliced the large box open and pulled the flaps out of my way.

"So what did you get?" The brunette asked as he leaned against the counter next to me, his beautiful blue eyes shined with stars in curiosity.

"Just some super cool new plants and seeds," I said, smirking at my lovely Cuban friend. I pulled out each seed packet and potted plant as I introduced them by name. "Rose, lotus, gladioli, apple blossom seedlings, lilies, peonies, magnolia, ranunculus, proteas, ooh! And snapdragons! Oxalis, peace lilies, calamondin Orange seedlings, and a whole bunch of succulents," I finished as I see the rest of the plants in the counter.

"Wow," the blue boy stared in awe. I giggled at his childish face and handed him a vase of flowers.

"For, 'the you-know-who'," I laughed, causing my friend's face to burn of embarrassment. "You probably should get back to your job buddy boy, I don't want you to get in trouble... Again," I said slightly pushing him towards the door.

"I'd get in trouble for you any day," he said with a wink before a sudden facial expression change. "But the flowers!" He shouted from the door.

"It's on me, a thanks for all the awesome work you do," I shouted back. He smiled thankfully and tipped his cap slightly in thanks as well.

"Good day, Princess Kiona," he shouted before walking out the door.

"Good day Prince Lancelot," I saluted. He rolled his eyes and left, leaving the soft 'ding' of the bell to fill the quiet room.

After my flirty friend left, I immediately rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I ripped open bags of soil and grabbed armfuls of flowerpots and vases.

I began to plant, replant, and cut off plants. I was elbow deep in dirt, accidentally rubbing some on my face as I satisfied the itches on my forehead and cheek.

I was almost done when the chiming bell rang once again, causing me to jump up and tuck the loose hair behind my ear.

"Welcome to Kiona's Secret Garden, how may I-" My words were stopped in their tracks when my eyes came to meet the glorious golden orbs that laid before me. Her hair was in a disarray, but it looked beautifully natural. It glowed as the sun's rays hit it, making it seem as if it were pure gold. Her glasses laid nicely on the bridge of her nose. Her eyes flickered over as they peeled from the wall of plants to her right.

"I'm just-" A small blush overcame my face as she looked up at me, her voice also coming to a stop. A light red also dusting her cheeks and ears only brought mine to darken. "-browsing.."

It was then I knew, that my life has changed for the better.

Hey guys!!! I know some of you are like, where is my Voltron: Saving Them chapter, and I'm sorry. I'm really excited about this short story and I hope you are too. Let me know if you want me to continue, and I'll get it started as soon as possible! Thank you my stars, I'll see you soon.

A Florist's Tale // Voltron Modern/Soulmate AU // Side story of Saving ThemWhere stories live. Discover now