Savannah's Bucket List (Part 1)

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1. Go on a cruise ✔
2. Meet someone famous ✔
3. Own a boston terrier ✔
4. Own a Sugar Glider ✔
5. Visit Amsterdam ✔
6. Jump from an airplane
7. Dance under the stars
8. Kiss in the rain
9. Be in two places at once ✔
10. Learn to cook
11. Bake bread from scratch
12. Go in a hot air balloon
13. Throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands
14. Go whale watching ✔
15. Name a star
16. Skinny-dip in the ocean
17. Visit Japan
18. Go RV-ing
19. Go on an ice cream date
20. Learn a new language
21. Go to college & graduate ✔
22. Get married ✔
23. Have a kid or two ✔
24. Own my own car
25. Get and keep a job (for more then 5+ years)
26. Own my own home/house
26. Go skinny-dipping in a pool ✔
27. Fall in love ✔
28. Go to a live concert ✔
29. Meet Keith Urban
30. Go to Disney (Florida) ✔
31. Visit California
32. Visit New York (Time Square) ✔
34. Travel by train
35. Go to a drive-in movie ✔
36. Visit Washington D.C. ✔
37. Visit Jamaica ✔
38. Visit the Bahamas ✔
39. Go snorkeling ✔
40. Dye my hair a very unnatural color ✔
41. Try karaoke
42. Visit Yellow Stone National Park
43. Go on a family vacation ✔
44. Visit Mexico ✔
45. Try sushi ✔
46. Stand under the Hollywood sign
47. Own a house on the beach
48. Go to the airport & buy tickets for a random flight
49. Have sex under the stars
50. See a shooting star ✔
51. Let go of a floating lantern
52. Spend New Years Eve in Time Square
53. Shop in New York City
54. Attend a rave
55. Send a message in a bottle
56. Find the end of a rainbow
57. Own a Polaroid camera
58. Become a professional photographer
59. Have my own personal library in my own house/home
60. Change someone's life
61. Watch the sunrise at the beach ✔
62. Watch the sunset at the beach ✔
63. Have my fairytale wedding
64. Have a snowball fight ✔
65. Send a letter to a random address & see if they write back
66. Love myself 100%
67. Solve a rubik's cube
68. Be part of a flash mob
69. Move to a different country
70. Visit the walk of fame
71. Pay for a strangers groceries
72. Go Skydiving
73. Build an igloo
74. Ride a vespa
75. Learn to drive a motorcycle
76. Have a walk-in closet
77. Publish a best selling novel
78. Do something wild with my hair
79. Kiss at the top of the Empire State Building
80. Visit Monte Carlo
81. Learn how to surf
82. Attend a masquerade
83. Ride in a submarine
84. Visit Hershey's Chocolate Factory in Pennsylvania ✔
85. Ride a horse on the beach
86. Cover my walls with photos I love
87. Cliff jump
88. Hug a penguin
89. Kiss at the top of the Ferris Wheel
90. Get my license ✔
91. Buy a pair of white shoes and doodle on them
92. Own my own Sugar Glider toy business (make sugar glider toys)
93. Scuba dive (HUGE FEAR)
94. Go on a stargazing date
95. Swim under a waterfall
96. Float in the dead sea
97. Ride in a helicopter
98. Ride in a limo ✔
99. Go on a camping trip with all my friends
100. Get a pet ✔


6/3/2017 (Authors Note: So this is what I have so far for my Bucket List. Not a bad start. Feel free to comment on any of the numbers you wanna do [or if you've done a number on my bucket list feel free to tell me about your experience!] OR feel free to give me ideas to add to my bucket list.)

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