♥Before I start...I got tagged :|♥

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Play song first...:)
Hello~~ people of the...which ever country u r.. :)
I just got tagged by IkarugaSayo soo~~~here are the not-so-interesting-facts about me:

1. My full name is Geonadel Bordoy Rosales
2. I love reading manga and sad stories.
3. I love watching sad/romance/supernatural animes.
4. I'm a little bit good at athletics.
5. I'mma couch potato. (no offense XD)
6. I don't trust SOME people easily.
7. I don't keep promises.
8. I study at Sohar International School.
9. I'm a filipino. (How do say filipino as a girl? Anyone?)
10. I'm an Otaku.

Welp, that's all the infos. I can give u. Now...tagging time~~!!

Running round the parking lot, he chased me and he wouldn't stop
Tag, you're it Tag, tag you're it
Grabbed my hand and pushed me down, took the words right out  my mouth
Tag, you're it Tag, tag you're it

Tagging time~~!!! >:D
People I tag r:












BAM!! Y'all got tagged! XD
IkarugaSayo didn't actually tell me what fo write so...I say, write 10 facts about yourself. And tag 10 people too! >3<

Adios, my lovies! Good luck! >3<

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