Blaine Vanhaeson

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The Silence (Epilogue) 

I remember the end, I remember the thickness of the air as I lowered the gun, like ice in my grip. The way my breath caught in the back of my throat, like a bird wanting to escape, being caught by the wings. My pulse thundered in my wrists as the gun shuddered harshly. His body covered the pavement lifelessly in the alley. Gusts of wind caught his hair as tendrils flapped over his open eyes. Dead. I remember the way he wore death, more beautiful than the way he made life look. I pressed my fingertips to my mouth as the raw sting of tears glazed my eyes in a blur of terror. I remember the end, the end of a beautiful face that caused an ugly end. Family over falling in love, falling in love over the life of your family? I thought I knew the answer to that, now I'm not so sure.

Chapter One

She tumbled so fast down the stairs that I thought she'd fallen. She caught herself at the wall length mirror in the hallway and took a sigh of relief. I was in the middle of helping mum set up the dinner table, as she slammed into the glass. "Why are you in such a rush?" I questioned loudly as she spun to look at me in annoyance. "Have I not said a thousand times?" she frowned as she turned back to check herself up and down in the mirror. "Viv, Mina doesn't know, she's been at college all day!" Mum stumbled around the corner, carrying cutlery in her hands and plates on her arms as she did so. Quickly, I sped over to give her hand. "It's me you've been brainwashing with Blaine Vanhaeson" mum rolled her eyes at me.

Viv was the typical beautiful, blonde hair that fell effortlessly in curls towards the ends. Piercing green eyes and a tiny, petite body that curved in all the right places. Even though I'm behind her by three years, she wasn't taller than me. There are so many people who disbelieve we're even sisters because we do not look the slightest bit alike and we do not act alike. In fact, there is nothing similar about us. She spent too much time looking in the mirror but not enough looking at who she was.

"Blaine Vanhaeson?" I'd just finished placing the last plate down as I looked up to Viv who was standing over me with her arms out in absolute disbelief. "The guy who works at the Tattomb?" she exclaimed. I glanced around in search of an answer as to what that place might be. "Oh come on Mina!" Viv shook her head as she pulled out a chair from the dinner table, sat down and dropped her head in her hands. "Can you just tell me what's going on, instead of answering my questions with questions!" I lent against the back of the chair beside her.

"I'm going on a date with him!" she screamed as she pulled her phone out of her jean pocket and began to type out a very long text. I furrowed my eyebrows together as I lent away and looked over at mum in the doorway. She held her hands up in surrender as she exited the room. "Well that's all I needed to know Vivian, sorry I didn't know your dates name!" I added back "I probably would've got an ear full if I did know his name!". I heard her shout something through the kitchen door as I exited, following my mum. It was best to leave Viv when she was angered, you never knew what she might come out with or what she'd do.

"Who's the boy then?" I folded my arms over my chest as mum began to turn the cooker off. "He works in the tattoo parlour in town" she smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Your aunt Bea has told me a lot about him already you know. I knew who he was before Viv told me" she explained with a tone of humiliation in her voice as she took out a baking tray from the oven. "What you mean to say is he's a twat then?" I chuckled to myself whilst I placed a piece of falling hair behind my ear. I'll never forget when Viv cut my hair, we were younger but she knew what she was doing. She knew I was just about to leave school and have my prom. I guess she didn't want my prom pics to look better than hers, huh? "Let's just say he's the Viv type" mum grabbed my cheek, sniggering at my choice of label for him. "Twat then" I nodded cockily as I lent away from the worktop and grabbed a serving of dinner that she'd just prepared. "Mina" I could hear the slight beginnings of a laugh as she covered it with concern before winking at me.

My connection with my mother was extremely strong, she was the kind of best friend that you wouldn't lose, wouldn't back stab or betray. She was my mum and I her daughter, sharing the same blood made us one another. An extremely powerful love that no one could ruin or end. Yet her and Viv had their differences, Viv was more like my father in her traits of stubbornness and a bold approach to life. The way she wouldn't take no for an answer and yes that was something beautiful about her two but also a path to destruction if you used your strength the wrong way. Just like my dad.

As we both left the kitchen to enter the dining room, there he was. Standing in the entry way, like my house was his. I jumped so hard my mum made a shocked noise in her throat and bumped into the back of me. "Mina" he nodded as Viv clung to his arm, she scowled at me then. His hazel eyes were like pools of grey rocks at a cliffs edge, as the ocean crashed against them. From all the way over the other end of the dining room, I could make out every speck of colour. He sussed me out from top to bottom, eyebrows drawn together. His tongue then refreshed his lips in a smooth, cold gesture. I felt my cheeks begin to burn as a smirk teased on his mouth, I wanted to hide. As if shaking himself out of thought "Mrs Garcia" Blaine then acknowledged my mother before returning his orbs to mine. "A pleasure" a smile twitched at the corners of his mouth as he gathered himself and took Viv by the hand. They both departed out of the front door together, Viv glared at me once more over her shoulder before the door slammed shut behind them.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and slowly the grip got tighter, my mum turned me around to look at her as concern swelled up and covered her whole expression. "What was that look for?!" she questioned as she gazed at me intently. "I'd like to ask him the same thing" I couldn't get his eyes out of my head, every time I blinked there he was, like a ghost hovering in the doorway. I turned to look back at where he stood just moment ago and something ached in my stomach for him to be there again. "I did not like the way he looked at you, Mina" she shook her head in disbelief and I caught her hand in mine as I slowly made my way back into the kitchen. "Mina, he looked at you like you were his prey or something. Like you were something good to eat for lunch? "I flinched as I looked back at her, as relieved as I was that she had noticed the tension is his glare, I didn't want to think about it anymore. "Mum, it's alright let's just finish setting up dinner before everyone gets here".   

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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