"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."

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                                                                   'Lil rant about my girlfriend'  

LB is the most amazingly beautiful creature to ever walk this earth.

Its currently 1:37am and she's all I can think about.

We have been together for 8 beautiful months, and we are closing in on 9.

She has always been there when I needed her, through all the hard times and the best times.

She is the most AMAZE-BALLS girlfriend ever!


The only reason that I will ever admit that she loves me more, is because she has screenshots of where I gave up and let her have her way.

She is constantly telling me that she loves me.

Shes so beautiful, if you think shes not, then your beauty standards must be higher than your IQ.

Shes the pretty one in the relationship.

Shes the best one in the relationship.

She is my Anti-depressant.

She puts up with my bullshit, she deserves an award just for that.

I will never begin to understand what she sees in me, but I also know that I will never be able to explain how much I love her. I am so lucky to have such a beautiful, intelligent, and incredible girlfriend.

She's the Reggie to my Casandra.

Happy kisses,are my favorite kisses <3

She holds me back (most of the time) from slappin' some bitches in the face , or punching them in the vagina.


Now that I got that off of my chest I can finally sleep. Welp, Goodnight everyone! (and by everyone I mean Lils)

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