Young Love

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A girl named ,Alyssa, is in 5th grade and is about to go to ,middle school. She had a crush named Alan, Alyssa never told anyone because, she had no friends except Alan. He was all
Alyssa wanted in a guy, smart, funny, cute, and most importantly for her is that, he has a nice
Personality. Alan would always stare at Alyssa, when Alyssa wasn't looking, and Alyssa would do the same thing. Sometimes people think their a couple, and call them Alana because, thats their names combined. Thats what everyone did at her school, even with other people like for example Ethall which is Ethan and Rachel combined. But one day, when Ethan, got in trouble he had to move to
Alyssa's table and sit across her. The next day, a girl named Natasha had to move to her table. Alyssa over heard them saying "Natasha, you know I'm leaving this school next year" Natasha replied back to him saying in a confused way "Why don't you say that to Alyssa, you will probably miss her
soo much" Alan asked "Should I tell her? And you are right, I am going to miss her..." But then they stopped talking but Natasha started talking again "Its fine bro, how about long distance? Well those
never work out, so I don't know dude." Alan quietly yelled at her "Dude! She's right there, and
were going to get in trouble for talking so stop talking." The teacher wrote Alan and Natasha's
name on the board while saying "You guys have two tallies
Theres only like, 4 more days of school left and you guys are talking, how rood. Maybe should I report this to the principal." Alan looked at
Alyssa and seemed kinda nervous, Alyssa was thinking on saying I really like you But she was
to scared to even say a thing. Alyssa swallowed a huge clump in her throat and finally said "Alan, I heard your leaving in middle school..." Alan answered "uh, yeah I am, to be honest I'm going to miss
you" Alyssa thought to herself wow! He's gonna miss ME!
Alyssa the replied "Well, Im going to miss you too... and btw, where is it gonna be?"
                               "It's at Parker school in Waimea, so it's not that far" Alan answered
4 days later the last day of school
"Mom, can I go to Waimea school?" Alyssa asked her mom
"No way! I would never let you do that" Her mom yelled at her
"Okay, okay, It's just that, i'm getting bullied a lot and I feel like a NOBODY mom"
Alyssa started to give her mom the puppy eyes and the pucker lips and also her red rosy cheeks
"Wait, your getting bullied? Thats not nice at all, fine you can move but if theres more
bullying then your getting homeschooled"
When Alyssa and Alan saw each other, they ran and randomly hugged ❤️
Hope you enjoy my entire! Not my best though lol 😂

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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