What The Hell?

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Alex's POV:

Beep, beep, beep. I wake up to the sound of the worst invention in the galaxy... the alarm clock. Opening my eyes to the bright sunlight shining through my bedroom window, 6:45am. "Auuugggh. Why does this world hate me!" I scream tiredly to nobody in particular. I then sit up and walk over to my wardrobe looking for something to wear to work. I decide on a simple black tank-top with white jeans, white converse... I live in them when I'm not at work, and a grey leather jacket. Leaving the house I hear my phone ring, I dig in to my handbag to find it. "Man us women and our handbags can never find anything," I whine as I search for my phone. Once I finally find my phone I see that Kara was the one calling me.

*Phone call: Kara and Alex* 

"Hey Kara," I say answering my phone and walking out of my apartment block.

"Hey Alex, you need to come to the DEO there's this rouge alien running around and I have to stop him before he kills somebody." Kara say in one breath and I nod forgetting she can't see me.

"Okay Kara, see u soon." I say hanging up the phone as I get into the car.

*End of phone call: Kara and Alex*

As I get to the DEO I'm greeted by Winn, AKA: Tech Support running towards the car. "Kara told me to tell you she's stopping the alien and she wanted me to give this to you," he says handing me a piece of paper with my name on it.

"What is it?" I ask him he looks at me and shakes his head.

"I don't know. Thought that you would have known."He states then runs off to the computers... where he should be.   

What in the world is this meant to be about? I question in my head as I enter the DEO building "J'onn, what is this?" I ask as soon as I see him. He looks up at me and shrugs.

"I'm not to sure Alex, you'll have to take it up with your sister." He states then walks off to finish doing his own paper work.

"Well bye then." I say as I walk towards my office. I sit down and open the letter to see it's from my dad. 

'Alexandra, I know you may not get to see this but if by any chance you do there is something very important that I need to tell you. It's something I should have told you very long ago and I'm deeply sorry that I didn't tell you sooner but Alexandra my strong daughter your not like everyone else your different your better than your average human, this is because-'

I'm interrupted by my office door opening I look up to see Winn standing in the door frame, he looks like he's seen a ghost. "Are you alright?" I ask him concerned for his well being.

"I'm fine-but-Kara's -signal-" I place my hand up stopping the breathless Winn already knowing what he's going to say.

"Okay Winn, calm down lets go," I say but as I stand up I accidentally knock over my open bottle of water which spills all over the letter from my father.

"Alex the letter, what are you going to do about it?" He asks me referring to the now soaked letter.

"Who knows who cares," I say walking out off the office frowning slightly, that letter was all I had left of my father where could be I could have found him using the letter. Oh well tough shit. Winn looks at me then frowns.

"Are you okay Alex?" He asks me and I can practically see the concern in his voice, I just nod in reply. As we enter the base of the building we see J'onn yelling orders at the agents around him.

"Agent Danvers, Agent Schott, about damn time, Supergirl's signal has gone down we have no clue where she is." He states then walks off towards the computers. I follow close behind him I take one look at the screen where we lost her signal.

"I know where she is." I state everyone looks at me waiting for my to tell them where she could have possible disappeared, "she's at the fortress of solitude." I state as if it were a duh moment. They all look at me and then all the worried faces disappeared and a smile played at my lips, one agent even laughed. I turn around to leave when I here footsteps come up from behind me, I turned around to see J'onn walking up to me.

"So what was the letter about?" He asks me once he's close enough so that only I could hear him.

"Oh the letter, it was nothing just something about the apartment." I lie he looks at me nods then leaves. I sigh then walk back to my office, the writing on the letter is no longer visible "great just great ,I'm so clumsy that I destroyed an important letter from my dad, out of all the thing in the world that I could destroy that was the one thing that had to suffer from my clumsiness. 

TIME SKIP: 5hrs 

I wonder what the end of the letter said. It said that I was different, different how? He said I was better than the average human, what's that suppose to mean? All these question are floating around in my head that was strange, what could it have meant, oh well I'll figure it out tomorrow. I hear a loud high pitched scream coming from the street the only problem is I can't see her, and if I can hear her she has to be on the street by my building but she's not. Another scream this time I look harder to try and find her, but happens next scares the absolute shit out of me. I can now see the woman but I can also see through the buildings to. "What in the world is going on?" I question myself. "Let me guess I can fly to," I say sarcastically and a little curiously. The stupidity in my brain kicks in and I jump from the window to my surprise I can fly although I honestly shouldn't be all that shocked after whats already gone down in the last five minutes. I fly through the city my hoodie falling over my head covering my face from the public. "Well at least nobody will know my identity... for now." I state as I fly over to the woman in need of help she looks up at me.

"Who are you?" She asks worriedly, I smile unable to answer her question myself so I just shrug.

"Are you okay ma'am?" I ask her politely helping her to her feet she looks at me smiling she wraps her arms around me. 

"Some men they took my handbag. You can stop them right?" She says looking at me and I nod taking off into the sky to find the men. I see three men running with a handbag and immediately know they're the guys who attacked the woman. Landing swiftly she looks at them.

"Who the heck are you woman?" One of them asks I smile and walk towards them.

"Your worst nightmare boys," I say smugly they look at me then laugh I don't falter I stand there looking at them expressionless. They start to squirm and it makes me laugh.

"Whatcha laughing at missy!" One of them says I look the square in the eyes and simply walk closer towards them.

"Give me the handbag or I can just punch you all in the face, your choice." I say, they look at me then run I run after them discovering speed. My fourth power as far as I know great. I stop them as the try to turn a corner snatching the bag from one of the guys hands. I give a quick wave then fly off to find the woman the bag belonged to.   


A/N: Hey guys so this is my new book about Alex and her knew found powers. Will she gain more powers, is she an alien, where did she come from, what was on the rest of the letter. Read the next chapters to find out. 

Can you all please let me know what you all think about the book in the comments. 

P.s. Please if you haven't already read my books 

-Supergirl- Alex And Max One shots 

-Supergirl Group Chats  


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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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