For Emma

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First and foremost, i am so incredibly proud of you. As one of my biggest role models, you make such an impact in my life. You spend the majority of your time helping others who are having a rough time. You make people cry of happiness, when they thought that they would never smile again. You make kids laugh, when they feel as if they want nothing more than to die. You are so genuine and caring, and i can only hope to obtain some of these characteristics. Not only do you contribute so much positivity to the world, but you do it while also struggling yourself. Somehow, you find the rare strenght to put your problems aside, and help others with whatever they need. That is something that i pray over and over that i will be able to do someday. You are one of the main reasons that i am still here and alive today. Without you, so many boys and girls would still be lost. You lead so many people to a life full of joy and happiness. I cannot thank you enough for that. Your good deeds will not go unnoticed, and everyone who has ever hurt you will be begging you for forgivness someday. I love you so much emma. I am so sorry that i have not been here as much as i should for you, but you still found a way to make it though. You took matters into your own hands and dealt with the problem at hand. You are an inspiraton to SO many people, including me. Keep doing what you're doing, because it will pay off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2014 ⏰

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