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Brushing Luca's hair was getting harder as his coat was growing fast and beginning to matte round his collar.

I try to brush him daily and comb out his knots but his hair is growing  to long around his face and beginning to cover his eyes .  It's time for a hair cut!

Taking Luca to get a hair cut is never a easy job, he just doesn't like it.  His body flops and starts to tremble. I end up having to carry him into the dog groomers.

"Hey Luca, guess where I'm taking you today"
I said in a high pitched voice trying to sound excited.
"Your getting a haircut boy!"

We arrive at the dog groomer and of course he flops himself to the ground. I was trying to pull him on the lead, but he wouldn't budge. He knew what was about to take place.
"It's ok Luca, your going to look very handsome after your new haircut" I said eagerly.

I picked him up and told him,
"The nice lady who was going to cut his hair . If he stayed still there would be a treat for him."
He was shaking at this point.

I explained to the lady how short I wanted Luca's coat to be,  as the weather was warming up.

This was going to be hard work... he was wrapped around me like a koala bear. The groomer ask me to stay while she washed and brushed his hair. Now that his hair is clean its easier to cut. He looked like a big fluffy ball.

Luca started to tremble as the groomer got her scissors for his hair cut. She began to snip away when all of a sudden Luca looked up across the room,and sat perfectly still.

There she was...  A beautiful ginger dog, with glowing shinny hair and the longest eye lashes you have ever seen. She also was getting a hair cut.

I think Luca fell into a trance. He didn't move a inch, he was to busy making goo gaa eyes at Miss Rosie. Luca behaved so well, I think he was trying  to impress his new friend. I was very proud.

With his new summer cut, not only does he look the cutest he is also going to feel a lot cooler when it gets hot.

Oh and before I forget; il be making his next appointment along side his new friend Miss Rosie. I'm sure when he gets his next haircut it will be a lot more fun for him and a lot easier for everybody else.


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