Love of the Moon and I

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Readers POV:

Gazing up at the moon I lean back into the tree with my feet dangling over the cliff. The moon is always there day and night, we may not always see it but it is always there. The moon is a wraith-silver disc hanging in the sky to keep the stars company and watch down over everyone in its path. Light rays of the moon shined down on my sad heart. The moons beauty always beguiles me. "At least I always have you no matter what happens." Thinking of what had just happened earlier that day I had saw Halloway kiss Ayane. I shouldn't assume but it just hurts my heart. He had said he was married to the moon, I feel the same way on a spiritual level knowing that she is always there for me. But after seeing that I just feel so betrayed... "When I hit rock bottom no one has ever been there for me except her. The moon guided me and watched my journey. I followed its rays wherever it took me until it took me to him... Ha I really am a fool aren't I? I still have a lot to learn, why would he be the one for me?"

Standing up I saw the rays of the moon had moved somewhere else. I ignored them for once and looked over the edge of the cliff taking a cautious step forward. "Will she be there as I drown or will she leave me as well?" All of the school pressure, drama and other contributing factors have been giving me extra stress lately. The moon as my only friend I would sometimes get jealous of other students but then remembered that she was a constant and wouldn't leave like the like the last people. "False promises, sabotage, hatred towards someone who is strong, what they did to me is all in the past but that doesn't mean that others will do that to me in the future. I only have you and I know you have others to take care of besides me so I will wish you goodbye and relieve some of your stress. It's all for the better." Taking one last glance at the moon, overcast surrounded me. I could feel my heart be filled with dread and I turned around and took a step backwards off the edge so I could see the lovely moon, as I would die.

Near the bottom I closed my eyes in defeat giving up on everything and felt a sudden rush around my body jerking it out of the way of the spikey bottom. Snapping my eyes open in anger and fear I could see Halloway's glasses stare into my eyes. Looking around he was holding me in his arms and we were on the beach. A loud booming thunder sound came and it started raining heavily. He placed me down and I turned away. "Thanks Halloway I'll just get going now." Starting to walk I stop my pace when he speaks.

"She is sad. She led me here for a reason." Clenching my fist then releasing them. I took a deep breath and turned around to face him. With a straight face as normal I answered him.

"I'm alright now so there is no need to worry. I just slipped is all." Walking past him I felt him grab my hand. "Let go Halloway." I have always wanted him to hold my hand but not for this situation. I could feel tears start to slip out of my eyes as I looked up into the rainy sky and saw a gaze of moonlight on the both of us. Pulling my hand away from his I continued walking going to try again somewhere else where I couldn't be disturbed. He stared walking behind me following me back up the path, I thought we had gone our separate ways when we got up the beachside. When I thought he was gone I headed for another cliff and sat on the edge. "Why did you give me a second chance, I don't deserve one. Just let me relieve you of all of the stress I cause the world with my existence." Getting up there was no moonlight to be found; looking around I didn't see any thinking she had finally given up on me. Taking another heavy breath I try again closing my eyes and take a step off. This time I landed in the water. There were no spikes but I saw myself sink deeper into the ocean and take one last glance at the moon, reaching a hand out I close my eyes.

...Time Skip...

I sat up quickly looking around I was sitting on a couch in the arms of someone. Blinking my eyes, my vision cleared and I was looking into the eyes of Halloway. He didn't have his glasses on but was looking directly into my soul; he moved his hand, which was on my chest with his healing powers active to cup my face. "We almost lost you." He wiped the tears that were forming at the corner of my eyes.

"I didn't deserve a third chance. She already helped me once. Why of all things did you and her try to save me twice." He then kissed me. I could feel my soul open up.

Halloway's POV

When I kiss someone I can see into a person's heart. Sometimes it has locks or other obstacles but I can usually find a way through. Seeing _______'s body and the heart I was floating in a space like area with the moon in the middle and chains and locks on her heart. Slicing through the chains the heart opens up to see myself in the strings. But I could feel the reverse effect happening; suddenly I was floating in a space like area and ______ was accessing my heart. When she opened it up she was in there. Did I really love her more than the moon? No that isn't true, is it? Looking around the scenery had changed it was ______ and me with the red strings of fate around our pinkies with us under the moon. Is this her saying she approves of her?

"I think she is saying that we belong to each other as well as belonging to her at the same time. She is reminding us to not forget where we have come from and where we are going." Looking over to ______, she was looking up at the moon and I look up with her as well. "I just hope she has made the right choice. I am not at fit as most girls, I am kind of strong but that's pretty much it. I am not cute and have a messed up past." I put an arm around _____ and pull her close kissing her forehead.

"She always makes the right choice. Also don't you know that strong is the new cute." Breaking away from the kiss we were back in my house. The alternate reality had faded and she laid her head on my chest. Running a hand down her back I pet her hair.

"So are we a thing now? Are we going to be called lovers under the moon or something?" Chuckling at her response I answer her.

"Yeah as long as you are mine, I will be yours and hers. I want to let you know that I love you." The moon shined through the window as the rain stopped.

"I might need to be leaving soon." Looking down at her I stop stroking her hair.

"Why is that?"

"I'm sill in soaking wet clothes." Getting up and letting her lean her tired body on the couch I go and grab one of my few t-shirts and a pair of boxers.

"I normally don't these types of shirts but here you can borrow this." She got up and went to the restroom to shower and change. When she got out, the t-shirt was hugging her form tightly and was wearing the pair of boxers. Blushing slightly I went to shower and change but by the time I got out she was already asleep on the couch. Picking her body up gently I rushed to the bedroom to let her sleep in there but when I tried to put her down one of her hands was grabbing mine as a signal not to leave. So I got in bed with her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Goodnight my love and my love of the moon."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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