The Dried Petals

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It was the last continuation party. We raised toast to the amazing four years of togetherness. Soon, we were all going to lead our separate ways, carrying sweet memories that will be etched forever in our hearts for the rest of our lives. Memories that will be the best companions in lonliness. It felt so scary, leaving behind parts of our hearts and souls in that place. Holding the photograph, nostalgia crept up like a dirty liar. Everything seemed so different for that one day. The girls whose bitching echoed off the corridor walls were crying, the boys who shared different squads; bullying each other, were now suddenly hugging. It was the feeling, the moment when your eyes and heart both bleed. You don't realise the worth of the things you have, till its time to say goodbye. All you ever wish is to go back there and live it all again even for once.

It was 'sovereign light cafe' mixed with some piano notes played in the background. He looked around. A beautiful black dress caught his attention and the girl, well, she caught him off gaurd.

And he was taken aback, to that one morning he clearly remembers. How she had said it in a far away voice "I dreamt, I was in a black dress and you in a tux. I had the best dance with you." And also his answer to her imagination, "Dreams that we see in the last hour of the night, they turn real."

That was two years ago, the second year of college. They were to date each other until she stepped back all of a sudden. Since then it has been only small talk between them, to save the friendship.

Now there she was, standing out in the crowd at the mixer. She had developed a tanned and smooth face, and let her curly dark brown hair grow and fall on the sides beautifully.

She was coming closer, and he could feel his heart do a summersault. They both looked at each other for a moment or two and thats when her lips curled up in a smile. "Won't you make my dream come true?"
"What do you mean?"He said it, trying his best to pretend he didn't remember.

"That dream I had, one of those calls in the mornings?" She smirked.
You still remember them all?" He said in a challanging way, qestioning, in a manner, the unacknowledged space they had created since then.
"Well.. I... I do. Considering I dont have a weak memory." And somehow she controlled the words her tounge could have uttered.

He raised his hand to hold hers and looking in each other eyes, they were now dancing.
The room slipped away somehow as they lost themselves in each other's eyes. Two weary travellers resting at the oasis in desert. Two birds on a tree, listening to the waterfall. There wasn't any music blending in their ears, just their heart beats and the fire in each other's eyes, making even their souls dance. No words came out of their mouth, yet their eyes talked endlessly. And they knew that all was known in the sacredness of that silence.
"I feel like I'm dreaming it all again. Please don't wake me up." She said. Her eyes closed, tears rolling down her cheek.

"Why, you so cruel? Don't ditch me like the others." He said in low voice, exhaling his out fear. Her eyes were now getting red. They kissed, their lips apologizing for the lies they told, the pain and suffering they caused each other. That perfect moonlit night observed two true lovers. He walked with her all the way back home. They both made a wish seeing a shooting star that night. "Goodbye and do get some sleep, love. See you tomorrow." She hugged him back. He only left the boulevard when she waved from her window, with a longing in her eyes.

That night, as he tossed and turned in bed, he knew he had fallen again. The whole evening kept playing inside his head. And how could one escape those beautiful thoughts? Krusha was the one whom he has always admired, the one he looked for in every girl he dated ever since. It was in the mid of second year, she started hanging with another boy, Akshit, whom she had known since a little earlier. The whole college gossiped about him being her first and only love. But that guy dumped her badly and accused the relationship as an attention seeking one. Since then, Harsh and Krusha did all to keep a distant friendship. Friend, bestfriend, stranger each role they had played. May be soulmates, now they were going to portray. He took out his phone happily and made a note. "28 Jan, 2035; 11:46 pm, Krusha, my first love."

Krusha was so tired that night, she slept with the black dress and heels on. Next morning, she woke up to a text form Harsh. "Good morning to my first love. Last night was unbeliveable and now my most cherished moment. Will love you till our hair turn grey."

Unmoved by the text, she took out her journal and the dried rose given by Akshit on their first date. Smelling the dried petals, she made an entry.

"29 Jan, 2035; 9:30 am.

It is eternal. I know I act like I moved on, but the noone can love me like you did. Forgive me for sometimes, I feel someone can fill the space you left behind. I will love you till my last breath, even if dont love me back."
It seemed like she was addressing her feelings to a stone. And once more time, first love took over true love.

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