All ships (Surprise!😈)

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Mini's POV

The mission was over, but I lost most of my friends, even my boyfriend Tyler. Brock, Marcel, Jon, (Delirious for those who don't know) and Nogla. I may be the crews medic, but I couldn't save them. The new recruit, Anela,  had to witness it. She looked scared and hell I wouldn't blame her. It was her first mission with us. But there's something...different about her. She's always disappearing out of no where, then comes back acting different but we all ignore it, that's why we gave her the name Mysterious, cause she's a mystery to everyone. We head back to the base and everyone that was left back here saw the looks on our faces and instantly got worried.
"Mini..where is everyone else?" Lui asked. "I-I tried everything I didn't make it" I had tears falling down my face. Anela ran to where she normally goes, she hides in the armory when she's upset. "But Jon being the craziest one out of all of did he get killed...?" Evan asked on the verge of crying. "I don't know, when we were fighting, Anela ran off somewhere, but something weird with tentacles came charging at Jon. He was ready to fight, but when the thing got closer, h-he just froze in place and got killed.." I was in tears as I was explaining, not only because I lost my best friends, but also because I lost the love of my life, Tyler. He was a smartass sometimes but that's what I loved most about him. But now that he's gone, I don't think I'll be myself anymore.

Anela's POV

I took off towards the armory cause I lost some of my friends during the first mission I went on with them. The Crew is like a family to me, I never really had a family but one of the crew members helped me. Mini saved me from almost bleeding out from whatever it was. But after he healed me, he took me back here, and everyone was a little confused at first but when mini told them what happened, they let me stay. I even got a nickname from them. 'Mysterious' not gonna lie, I kinda like it. "hey Anela, can you come out for a second?" I heard mini ask. I walked out the armory and I saw he was still sad. "yea Craig?" "I was wondering if you would want to go back to where we had the mission at" I had no idea on why he was asking me this "why do you want to go back?" "because when you disappeared and came back, I sensed something from you, like some sort of healing powers, but also a mix of everyone else's powers. When I brought you here, you must of absorbed a little bit of everyone's power in here. That's probably why everyone was a little woozy, including me, when I brought you in. So maybe, we could get everyone back!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Mini was really excited to see if this would work, so I agreed and went with him.

Time skip

We arrived at the place where it all happened, it was still the same and I was about to cry again because of what I was seeing. Mini got my attention and he motioned me towards Tyler and I walked over to him. "just put your hands on his stomach and chest, close your eyes, and just concentrate on healing him" mini said confidently. "Alright..let's hope this works" and I did as told. I've been doing this for a couple minutes and I could hear mini. He sounded upset and I didn't want to let him down, so I concentrated more on healing Tyler. "I don't know why I got so excited that this'll work. Come on Anela let's go" I heard him walk away, but as he was walking I heard someone cough. I look up and see Tyler awake! "c-craig!!! Quick!!" I turn around and see mini run over and kneel down to Tyler.

Mini's POV

I heard Anela call me over and I turn around to see Tyler awake. I ran to them and kneeled down to Tyler "T-Tyler..y-you're alive" I was crying tears of joy. I hugged him tightly and I didn't want to let go. "it's OK Craig..I'm here now" I felt him kiss my cheek and I kissed him back.
"now that we know it works, I'll go get the others up and I'll leave you two here" Anela said and she walked over to Marcel and did the same thing to get Tyler up.
"I am so happy that you're back Tyler. I missed you so much, and I'm sorry it happened to you. It should of been me" I looked away but I felt Tyler move my head to look at him. "Craig don't say that, cause if it was you, no one would of figured out how to bring other back to life" Tyler says as he sits up.  "so don't say shit like that. Alright" I wiped my tears and looked at him "alright I promi-" we were interrupted by hearing Jon scream. We ran over to see what was wrong. "Jon what's wrong?" Tyler asked. He was backing away from Anela. "Jon calm down it's alright, she's not gonna do anything" I heard Marcel say. "Yea, why are you scared of her? She's a new recruit, she's not gonna do anything to us" Nogla said agreeing with Marcel. "I don't trust her! She did this to us!!" Jon screamed. "Jon calm the hell down, she would never do this!" Tyler yelled. "why would I do this! I just saved your life!! That'll be the last time I save your ass" Anela said pissed and just walked away. "guys let's just calm down and go back to the base" I said and helped Jon up. We started to walk away but Anela just disappeared. "well there goes Mysterious" Marcel said. "she'll probably be back at the base when we get there. Let's just make our way there" I said and started walking to the base.

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