black hole

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space is and empty void
the shell the holds everything in existance
floating throughout the void is you
so carelessly
you collided with me;
a small planet
lonely would be the best word to describe it
when we collided
everything I had known
had been shattered
as you pushed through
breaking me apart with every word
every touch
every glance
all of you
was tearing me apart
because of what?
because you were a black hole
you take
and take
and take
until you eventually swallow yourself
in your sea of crushed planets;
full of small ones like me
we are no match
we only crumble
and shake
and break and tear
you never give;
only steal
just like how you stole my planets
and crushed them
with every word
you have done everything in your power
to break me down
and here I am
just a small planet that once was;
being suffocated by you


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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