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There was a family of three driving in a silver car along Bolton Road. The sweet melody of a song could be heard through the cracked windows, while the brunette with deep blue eyes in the passenger seat sang along to it. The driver had thinning gold hair with a matching mustache that was speckled gray. In the back seat sat a teenager, no more than 15 years old. The teenager sat looking out of the window watching the houses pass by at a leisurely pace as they began to move further into the city. Her long blond hair was pushed around wildly as the car gathered speed and the air seeped through the open window. 

streets are usually filled with cars, as was this street. But make one wrong turn and the consequences can be fatal. But some people you have no control over. This family had no control over the man.

The man drove a red car, the same color as the blood that seeped out of the teenager's chest.


I woke up with a start, sharply breathing in fresh earthy air. I heard the low hum of an indistinguishable conversation somewhere up above me. 

Instinct told me to wake up and see who was there, but my mind was still lost in the dream. The dream felt so real... was all I could think before I was swept away by unconsciousness again.

The scene was blurry as if I were seeing it from far away or in a really bad picture. There was a woman with long flowing blond hair, hanging up laundry on a clothesline, a few feet away from her stood a tall man with a blonde beard wiping the sweat off his forehead as the sun beat down on the pile of wood he was chopping. And not far away from the mother sat a little girl with long blonde hair and deep blue eyes, playing with a flower. 

I watched for what felt like a lifetime. Scenes of that same family flew through my mind.  

The little girl when she turned 8. Family visited. Pets came and left.

The last scene was different. This time the girl was older she looked about 15. The girl was curled up on the floor, her eyes were flooded with tears as she looked down at the blood trail on the floor leading out of the house and into the forest where the trail disappeared

The scenes faded away after that one and I felt the blissful darkness of sleep, start to slip away, sending me back to the painful thing we call life. Or, at least I think so. 


I slipped into consciousness as a piercing headache flooded my senses. I still heard the low buzz of voices and a warm breeze hit my face. I was laying in some kind of clearing. I could hear the rustle of trees above me while the birds sang along to the rhythm.

After a few seconds, or maybe a minute, or maybe even an hour, I wasn't really sure. But eventually, my eyes fluttered open. The voices intensified. I blinked the last few bits of sleep from my eyes. 

when my vision was no longer blurred I looked up to see two gray eyes. The scene might have looked funny, this young man with a mop of dirty blonde hair framing a face that I swear all fairy tale prince or hero is created after, practically face to face with you. But It's not. 

"What the fudge do you think you're doing creep!" I yelled punching him in the face. I stood up and backed to the nearest tree.

I raised my fists threatening. I knew how to fight so let's see these creeps try me!

But once I got a good look around the clearing I knew I would never be able to fight them all. There was not a lot of them, just too much for me to fight on my own.

I saw the 'prince dude' take a step forward and I braced myself for an attack, but instead, he dramatically bowed. 

Instinct told me to run, but they were probably faster and knew the area better. Plus, where would I go? It was a moment before I realized he was talking.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2018 ⏰

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