Surprise Birthday Gift

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I am dedicating this OS to my dearest friend HARITHA02....


"Di... guess what I am going to do now..."

"Arrey bulbul again guessing ahh..."

"Hmm... yeah... you are my guessing queen nah... so guess what I am going to do now..."

"Okay okay... I am going to accept defeat this time... so tell me nah..."

"Hurrayyyyy I won.... di... today I am going to praise your beauty..."

"Ohh why my little sister going to praise me today... you won't do easily nah...???"

"Haan di... but today I can't control my mouth without praising you... sure my jiju will mesmerize by your beauty..."

"Hmm... not only your jiju... his brother will also be mesmerized nah...???"

"Di... what you meant..???"

"Haan... seeing my sweet darlu's beauty..."


"Ohhoooo blushing ahh... that means my that guess is correct... soon that sweet puru going to become my angels love..."

"Di... its getting late... I am going... come quickly..."

"Okay my sweet darlu... I will... but don't be this much blushy blushy... sure that cute puru will eat you thinking you are a tomato..."

Pragya chuckled seeing her little sisters cute pouts and blushing face...

She saw her in mirror... her mind floats to past...


"Hmm... now its time to put full stop to this dreamy book..."

Pragya think while looking at the pages of a diary which in her hand with tear filled eyes...

"How much I love you... if this diary could speak it will tell you... but what's the use now...
Now it's time to come out of this dream world... close my heart book... say bye to my lovely dreams...
Why didn't you understand my love..??? If you did... useless of thinking... I was so shy... more than that I was so scared to express my love towards you... what if you said no... it will be so hard for me to bear... more than that its better to be seperate like this....

I can't hurt my parents... my ma is my life... my family is my world... how can I be happy by hurting their hearts... I know they are planning a surprise for me today for my birthday... and I already know their surprise too... introducing my future hubby to me... I can see how much they are happy with this alliance by their happy talks and laughs... better to say ok to this marriage... my parents happiness is my greatest happiness...

Pragya closed the diary and starts to dressed up... later she sits in front of mirror to put her accessories... while putting her bangles she saw pages of the diary which kept near window are rolling one by one with the cool breeze coming in side the room...

By seeing that her thoughts too start to roll back with the pages... one by one all the moments she spend with him came to her mind....

"Still I remember the first day I saw him in my college lab... I fallen for him at first sight itself... to my surprise we became partners in lab assignments... I don't know whether I was wrong... but I really enjoyed to work with him... his friendly behaviour... concern and care towards me... made me fall for him again and again... I never knew its a crush or a love... but now I prefer to say its a crush... to get rid of this pain...

Surprise Birthday Gift (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now