Does He Hit You?

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    Batman and I were on our way back to the cave, after a failed mission. I knew what was in-store and I really didn't want to face Batman. The car ride has been so quiet you could here a pin drop...on carpet.
    "What were you thinking." Batman broke the silent. "You left yourself vulnerable to so many attacks and then you just let her get away! Poison Ivy has been a weed that has been in this city for far too long! She needs to be taken to jail but your were so focused on those obnoxious jokes and awful puns of yours to realise this!"
     I said nothing in response. I knew he wouldn't except silence as an answer but if I said something it would be considered talking back, even if it was an apology. "We're talking about this more later don't think your of the hook." Of course Bruce wouldn't let this go, he never does.


     I walked into the mountain the next day with a cut on my lip from last night's little 'discussion' with Batman. Maybe they won't notice, I am a hero after all. Small injures like this happen on missions all the time. I was wrong like always.
     "Robin what happened!" Megan yelled as soon as she say me coming through the zata tube.
"Megan calm down. He's a hero, maybe he was in a fight." Conner was trying to calm her down to some extent.
     "Yeah I was fighting Ivy last night." It wasn't a lie, I was fighting her, but I knew she meant the cut from Batman. Whatever, every time I come in with a wound from Bruce I play it off as a battle with a villain and they take the bait.
     "We need to work on your fighting skills buddy! You never dodge the ones that come straight for your face in actual fights but in training you do just fine!" Wally was starting to see the flaw in my plan. Surprisingly, I thought Artimis or litteraly anyone else would figure it out first. "And it's always when you're out with Batman alone? You do just fine with us..." shit he was getting to close.
     I just stood there for a second thinking of what to say. When I couldn't I started heading for the kitchen.
    Wally followed me. "Why is that Robin?"
     I sar down at the island eating cereal. "I don't know maybe I'm sloppy?"
    "Well we know that's not true," dang it Wally! Just go with it, "besides, you're one of the best on the team so I find it hard to believe that you can't handle yourself with bats breathing down your neck." I stiffed, and I held the spoon as if it was going to fly away.
     "Wait," please don't say what I think you're going to say, "is the bat maybe a little to hard on You? Like 'you either get this right or you get the fist' hard? Robin?" He leaned in, looking at me as I stared at my bowl. "Richard?" He whispered getting my attention.
     "It's not that bad. He loves me, he really does, I just mess up alot." I start to trail off. Bruce really does love me! He just has difficulties telling me, that's all. I do mess around on missions, I should be more serious. "Dick, does he hit you?" Wally put his hand under my chin forcing me to look at him.

Okay wow. So for my first fanfic I could have chosen a fun story but what's the fun in that! Thanks for taking the time and reading this (if anyone actually does- I highly doubt it)

This will only be about 2 or 3 chapters long so if you actually like the story (again I doubt it) I might extend it, but I don't know. Once again thanks!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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