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This is an experience I had during my stay in UST as a pharmacy student. 

In UST, our course pharmacy had a pre-requisite that we have to take up psych 101. During one of our psych 101 classes, our professor invited a guest speaker. The topic our class that time was para-psychology. The guest speaker introduced himself as a psychic, in where he had his "third eye" open. He showed the class some exercises that would enhance our "spiritual awareness" , he made us lift our hands up and he said that if we felt any warmth when our hands were raised, well I never felt a thing and I thought that it was all just made up. At the end of the class, the speaker had one last exercise where he made us close our eyes and concentrate for a while. After a few minutes, he told us to open our eyes...

To my surprise, some of my classmates were in shock when they opened their eyes. One even stood up and went out the room. Then the speaker asked us if we could see "them". Apparently he summoned two friendly spirits when he made the class closed their eyes. Some of my classmates claimed they saw both spirits at the back of the speaker smiling with a grin, but I thought that it was just a cheap trick from some con-man though. But I did show respect to the speaker by pretending to be amused by the exercises. Some classes claimed they saw the spirits but others did not though. I thought that was the end of that...

After a few days, one of our professors walked to class like he was limping. One of my classmates asked him, "Sir, are you alright, what's wrong?" He told us that his shoulder was hurting for the past few days and one of his legs feels heavy recently. After that class, our classmate walked up to him and asked if he attended one of those classes with the paranormal guest speaker which had the same spiritual exercises. Our professor was shocked that our classmate knew that, and he said "Yes". Then our classmate asked if he did anything out of the ordinary during one of those exercises. Our professor said, "I kinda banged a chair loudly when I was on my way out in the middle of those exercises". Our classmate said that his "third eye" was also opened, and he saw the same spirits latched on to our professors leg and the other one was sitting on is shoulder. He told our professor that he should go to the chapel and ask for forgiveness for disturbing the spirits that were summoned. 

The next day, that same professor was lifted from the pain from his back and his leg. I guess lesson learned, show some little respect, even if you think that the paranormal is just a cheap trick...

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