Mk's & Nod's epic 2

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This is how I would have wanted Epic to end. These are not my characters all rights to blue sky studios!!

Chapter 1
The Pod

Yes we defeated the boggons!! Oh no the pod!, I totally forgot about the pod! I had to make it back in order to become my normal stomper size! I ran as fast as I could. It was actually kind of difficult due to the long grass. When I heard cheering I knew I was close. I began to walk threw the entrance. Nod smiled at me and bumped my shoulder. "Hey Mk you made it! The pods about to bloom!" "Yea" I whispered looking down. "So what's going to happen to you after it blooms?" He frowned. "I guess I'll go home" "well Mk..." I smiled "yea?" He Held out his hand, "thanks for everything" I shook his hand. Suddenly the pod began to bloom. Gold sparkles flew around everyone it went past Ronin then some leaf man then to me. "Woah" I whispered so softly only Nod could hear me. Tara's spirit appeared in front of me, "Mk thank you, now it's your turn to rule moonhaven" she winked at me. "Take care of them" she eyed my friends behind me. "I know your scared but just believe In yourself" she explained. Ronin put his hand on my shoulder. "There's that smile" she said and her spirit disappeared. Before I knew it the gold sparkles flew up into me. My body began to swirl I felt almost as my veins were pumping faster then my heart. When the swirling stopped all the leaf men began to bow down at me. "My queen" they announced. Queen? I looked down realizing I was wearing a green and white gown similar to Tara's but it was knee length and it was sleeveless. After all the leaf man had stood up Ronin congratulated me. "Wait hold on I'm queen?" I whispered to him. "Yes" he laughed "would you like to say something to your kingdom. I gulped, what do you say to a world you've only been in for only a day let alone now your the queen. Wait! I'm supposed to go home! Be a stomper with my dad! I couldn't say that out loud in front of all them. I would just have to speak to Ronin and Nod alone after. "Sure" I smiled trying to hide the fact I was terrified. "Hello, I'm not sure what quite to say, for I'm as speechless as some you of might be too. I will try todo my best to help and protect you, for Tara was just amazing. I knew her briefly, but the time I spent with her was probably one of the best things I've experienced in my life." I paused unable to think what to say next. Nod was smiling at me and nodding his head as in saying go on continue your doing great. I smiled, "now since the boggans are gone shall we celebrate?" The people cheered and continued there duties. I took a deep breathe.

"Mk that was great! I can't believe your queen!" He smiled "does that mean your umm staying?" Nod faced the floor. "About that can I talk to you and Ronin in private" he shook his head and we all meet in the training room for the leaf men. "Ok Ronin what happened!" I spoke nervously. "You were chosen as the Eire" Ronin said. "But I was supposed to go home, I don't belong here, I'm a stomper..." "Your apart of us don't you see, Tara brought you here for a reason and now your Moonhaven's new queen" Nod explained. "But I don't know anything about your world, not to mention rule a kingdom!" "My queen were I'll behind you, we'll help you threw everything" Ronin said. "Ok I'll try but can I at least tell my dad he expected me to come home" I asked. "Of corse queen Mk!" Nod shouted. "You guys don't have to call me that" "ha goodluck with that!" Nod laughed.

Nod took my hand and pulled me onto his bird. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Woah my queen I barley know you" he mocked. "Can't you just call me by my name?" I begged. "If that's what you want my queen" nod laughed. I pushed his shoulder. He started to fly faster and I held on tighter. But man did he look amazing in armor. Once we arrived at my dads Nod asked for my hand to help me off of his bird. "Thanks leaf boy" I giggled. "You know my queen Mk if your going to rule you need to know its leafMAN!" I laughed "sure leaf boy, I'll try" he rolled his eyes as I lead him to the window.

"Dad!" I shouted. "Mary Kathrine!" He cheered. "Mary Katherine?" Nod laughed, "it's so... So girly!" "It's Mk!" I shouted. "Queen Mary Kathrine! What a mouth full!" He laughed. "Stink bomb" I punched his shoulder, "come leaf boy we have a job todo." He followed behind me still giggling over my real name. "Hey dad" I said as he adjusted his helmet. "Hey Mk! Why are you still small?" He asked. "That's why we're here dad, I'm queen now" I sighed. "I'm going to stay with the leafmen for now on" my eyes lowered. "Mk don't beat up your self you'll do great as queen!" My dad cheered. "But what about you?" I asked almost shivering. "Can you shrink him down? Tara shrunk you?" Asked Nod. "I can't I don't know how to control my powers yet, I'll ask Nim later though" my dad smiled. "I'm running to the store be back later" my dads voice said in slow motion.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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